Bugs? Some forms don't submit correctly

Community Member
edited June 2014 in Mac

I've run into a few different nonstandard webdesign practices that cause some weird behavior with 1password. I'm not really surprised by this as much as I am continually surprised how well 1password works with all the nonsense html people put up on the web.

A page I've just recently started having problems with is the Amazon login page. When I hit apple-slash to fill in my details, 1password changes the radio button for "new user"/"returning user" to "new user" and submits the page, which prevents the login. I tried going through the "record a new login" steps process and didn't see any change in behavior, but I'm going to do it again. Looking at the 1password file for that login, the form fields list doesn't show anything for that field, so I'm not sure why it does anything with that field.

A more persistent behavior is seen on https://www.expresstoll.com/Pages/Home.aspx

I believe the reason it doesn't work is that they're doing all this ASP hacky nonsense with their web page. The fact that 1password fills the fields is impressive to me, so good job on that!

In this example, a form tag wraps almost the entire dom. When I'm logging in manually, the page behaves like ASP is doing all sorts of magic to understand which form element Enter was pressed on or which button was clicked before it tries to send the form data somewhere...not exactly standard practice. Disabling javascript renders some html as text at the top of the page and breaks just about everything on the page, which I thought was nice of them.

My instinct tells me that the 1password chrome extension probably does a form.submit() trigger from javascript and this plays hell with ASPs client side javascript used to detect which form was submitted. I haven't done client side javascript in a while, so I don't know what the current state of affairs is, but I was thinking it might be possible to provide some other mechanisms for submitting forms. A sane set of defaults could probably be had by inspecting the meta tags looking for indicators that the site is a sharepoint site or similar. Perhaps it is possible to send an Enter keypress event to the form field a password was entered into?

My workaround has been to disable the form submit entirely, apple-slash to fill, and enter to login. I have about a dozen or so websites that behave like this in my regular rotation so I thought I'd drop a note explaining what I'd found.

Edit, formatting and amazon login story


  • robacarp
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    I should add that, according to advice around the forum, I installed the beta extension and still see the same problem. :\

  • Hi @robacarp,

    Do you use the Mac App Store version or the AgileBits website version of 1Password?

  • robacarp
    Community Member

    Hi @‌jasperp

    I think I have the app store version on both my computers.


  • Jasper
    edited June 2014

    Hi @robacarp,

    Since you are using the Mac App Store version of 1Password, could you please try installing this auto-submit script:

    Auto-submit Script for 1Password (Mac App Store)

    This should improve auto-submit performance for you. Please let me know if it helps. :)

  • robacarp
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    Hey @jasperp I installed the script, got a positive confirmation from the installer, and see no difference.

    Did it go through the list of things and change the pages which I had curated to submit manually and reset them to submit when enabled? Because that might prove to be a pain to undo...

  • Jasper
    edited June 2014

    I installed the script, got a positive confirmation from the installer, and see no difference.

    Sorry to hear that it didn't work. What website are you still having the trouble on? This page auto-submits correctly in my testing: https://www.expresstoll.com/Pages/Home.aspx

    Did it go through the list of things and change the pages which I had curated to submit manually and reset them to submit when enabled?

    No, it simply installed a script at ~/Library/Application Scripts/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/1Password_Autosubmit.scpt, which consists of a single line: tell application "System Events" to keystroke return

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