Is there really no way to get the iPhone app for less if you have the full desktop version?

Community Member

$69 for the Windows version is one thing - expensive yes, and hopefully I'll use it beyond the 5 years it would take to pay as much for Last Pass...

But to charge ANOTHER $18 just to access your data on mobile? Jeeeez.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chrishigh‌,

    We have our software available individually on each platform to make it easier to meet each customer's unique needs without charging them for software that they don't need. Because we offer 1Password on such a variety of platforms, we have found this method allows the most flexibility for our users. That being said, we do our best to make it easier for users who want to use 1Password across more than one platform. This is why we offer a Mac+Windows license bundle through our website. Unfortunately, because iOS apps must be sold through the App Store, there is no easy way for us to create a bundle that includes the iOS app.

    In any case, I know paying full price for software is never fun, so I'd be happy to help you out! Simply send your receipt for your purchase of 1Password 4 for iOS in to support@ agilebits .com and we'll see what we can do to make it easier to purchase the Windows version. :)

  • chrishigh
    Community Member

    That's a very kind offer, I thank you!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chrishigh,

    I'm fairly certain that you'll be convinced that 1Password is well worth the purchase price once you start to use it! Let me know when you email your purchase receipt in so I can be sure your request gets answered quickly. :)

  • chrishigh
    Community Member

    One more question before I make my purchase commitment between the two - is there now, or a roadmap to include access to your "vault" (pardon the vernacular if it's not what you use) through a browser login, perhaps with two-factor authentication?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chrishigh,

    1Password does offer browser extensions to help you fill your details directly onto websites, but it sounds to me like you're looking for access directly through a website, perhaps on computers where 1Password and your database are not currently installed.

    One of the ways that 1Password helps to protect your security is that you have control of your data. Your data is not stored on our servers: in fact, it never has to leave the safety of your computer or your home network, if you prefer. We think that letting you control where your password data is stored is very important. This does mean, however, that we are unable to offer a full web-service. Please take a look at 1PasswordAnywhere. This is a read-only version of 1Password that is available to you if you sync your database to Dropbox. I hope this meets your needs!

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