Possible to share password to non 1Password users?
Hi @geoffrey,
I don't mean to go into a sales pitch here, but the best way to share your common Logins with co-workers is to share a vault with them via 1Password. Multiple Vaults in 1Password 4 provides you with the ability to share only those Logins that you wish to share, and all your team's changes can be kept in sync via Dropbox. This allows you to take advantage of 1Password's encryption to ensure that all your data is secure as you share it.
If they simply need read-only access and don't want the convenience of automatic password generation, form filling, etc. 1PasswordAnywhere may be helpful for you. This read-only service is available to all 1Password users who store their data in Dropbox. Please note that this would require that your co-workers have access to your Dropbox account, or a shared Dropbox folder, and they would not be able to update any data in the keychain. For this as well, I'd strongly recommend creating a secondary vault to store your shared work Logins, as you certainly don't want your co-workers having access to your personal information. 1PasswordAnywhere can be freely accessed by the other users. But if you would rather your friends have their own car than you always giving them rides, they may just need to buy their own car. ;)
I hope this helps, but we're here if you have any other questions!