1Password doesn't work for Agilebits Forums or for Paypal!

Community Member

I have the correct URL and UN/PW for this Agilebits forum in my 1Password, and I am using the most current version. But going to the login page and selecting these only results in a refreshing of the login page.

I have the same problem with Paypal.

Please fix this!

Thank you!


  • bluesky
    Community Member

    Actually, I'm finding that this is happening on all pages, just after upgrading to Firefox 30. The icon has disappeared from the FF toolbar and can't be retrieved, and I have been working from the icon on my Mac menu bar.

  • Hi @bluesky,

    Sorry to hear about the trouble!

    So we can investigate, could you please email us a Diagnostics Report from your Mac, along with your forum username and a link to this discussion, to: support+forum@agilebits.com

    A brief comment here mentioning that you've sent the report would also be helpful. Thanks in advance!

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