Help Cleaning up Dropbox Files?

R.J. Wilson
R.J. Wilson
Community Member

I seem to have three types of 1Password files on my Dropbox.
1)Home->Dropbox folder->1Password folder->1Password.agilekeychain (date Yesterday 4:02PM)
2)Home->Dropbox folder->1Password.agilekeychain (dated Today 11:47AM)
3)Home->Dropbox folder->1Password 2014-07-08 114752 (565 items).agilekeychain_zip (dated May 2014 10:14AM and showing another 51 files dating back to Oct '13)
I have 2 Macs (1Password 4, Version 4.4.2.BETA-3 (442003) Agile Beta) One with 373 items, One with 521 items, two VMWare Fusion Windows-rarely used, iPhone 5s (4.5.3 with 521 items) and an HP PC Windows XP also rarely used; and which one is the "real" database and can I merge into one?

How'd the heck'd I get so screwed up? Sorry.

Thank you.


  • We'd be happy to help you get this sorted out! :)

    So we can get some details about your setup of 1Password, could you please email us a Diagnostics Report from your Mac, iPhone, and PC, along with a link to this discussion, to:

    A brief comment here mentioning that you've sent the report would also be helpful. Thanks in advance!

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