Keychain Database restore after TimeMachine restore
Hello 1Password professionals,
I use the following products, all the latest version:
1Password for Mac on my MacBook Pro (OSX 10.9.4)
1Password for iOS on iPhone
1Password for iOS on iPad
iCloud sync on all devices
Now I had to restore my MAC via Time Machine. Everything works beautifully, but the Time Machine backup was one day old and I have made massive changes in my passwords on this day but not yet synchronized over iCloud. Before I restored my MAC I have made a disk image of the defective hard drive, it contains also the 1Password database with the last data state of my passwords.
How do I get the data back on my MAC without losing anything it best. Which file do I copy from the disk image to get back on the current state to 1Password. How do I prevent conflicts followed by synchronization.
I know that this forum answers to parts of my problem (eg iCloud Sync) are taken into account but I would like an answer to all my needs.
I am grateful for the support.
Quoting an Agilebits knowledge base entry
The AgileBits store version of 1Password 4 stores its data in a different location from the Mac App Store version.
AgileBits store version:
~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4Mac App Store version:
~/Library/Containers/ the entire folder across would set your current copy of 1Password back to how it was on the old machine, or you may be able to copy just the sqlite file for the data (but I'm not very sure on that) or if your backups were being stored in your profile too and the last backup was after you made all your changes you could restore that instead.
Or you can wait for somebody from Agilebits ;-)
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Hi @schrempfi
I'm sorry to hear that you've been having trouble with your computer - that's no fun! It's unfortunate that your data didn't get synced via iCloud to all your other devices, that could have made things a lot simpler here.
Let's take a peek at your backups folder and see if there is a backup that is more recent than the Time Machine data you've used to restore your drive.
If you purchased your copy of 1Password 4 from the Mac App Store, your backups are stored here: ~/Library/Containers/
If you purchased directly from our webstore, your backups would be stored here: ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Backups
If you do have a more recent backup, we'll need to do a few things:
- Export any newly changed data out of your database in a .1pif file (File > Export)
- Move the backup from the disk image to the same folder on your computer
- Use File > Restore to restore your data to the most recent backup
- Import your newly changed data back in, and securely delete the .1pif file (it is not encrypted)
I hope this helps, but we're here if you have any questions! :)