Is there going to be a solution to 1PasswordAnywhere not working from the local file system?
Like many I've run afoul of the javascript related error when trying to run 1PasswordAnywhere from out of my dropbox folder as a local file in a browser. I've always liked the idea of being able to fall back on 1PasswordAnywhere if for some reason I find myself appless and without network access, but that is no longer an option. I can understand the problems dealing with the security precautions of browsers, but it's not much of an alternative to accessing your data if the only way you can get at it is to launch via logging in to a 3rd party website (one for which you may very well not know the password! I know I don't know mine.)
With regards to the limitations mentioned at the bottom of, I think they are bollocks.
It says you have to have a modern browser, and then says that many browsers wont let you use it. My experience is that NONE of the major browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, IE) will let you open 1PasswordAnywhere as a local file, either on OS X or Windows. Given that 90+% of people are likely to be using one of these browsers it means that the vast majority will only be able to use 1PasswordAnywhere via Dropbox (or similar web based solutions I guess). Using Dropbox is a solution, but I can't say that it feels like a good one.
I hope AgileBits is working towards something that will improve this situation.
You can get past this through settings in the browser. For instance, I you enable Safari's Develop menu one of its options is "Disable Local File Restrictions"
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Hi @wyldphyre,
You're right, browsers have made it a bit more complicated to access 1PasswordAnywhere using local files lately. I hope @danco's suggestion of disabling local file restrictions in the Safari developer menu helps, which is also mentioned in this article:
1PasswordAnywhere: Local File Restrictions
Thanks for letting us know that 1PasswordAnywhere is a useful feature for you, I'd be happy to pass your thoughts along to our developers. :)
internal reference number: OPM-1831
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To clarify, I don't actually use 1PasswordAnywhere much. I look at it as a fail safe option so that I can always get at my data.
Unfortunately the Safari suggestion doesn't help me, as I don't typically use it and may well have forgotten about it should the time come that I need it. It also doesn't help me if I'm on Windows at the time.
What I'd like to see is some kind of "if all else fails you can still get your data by..." option that works in a more accessible fashion. Relying on a tool like a password manager is putting a lot of important eggs in a single basket and being locked out of your data would be a BIG problem for people. I don't expect to have to fall back on 1PasswordAnywhere, but I want to know that I can use it if I need to.
I guess, to use the Apple parlance, I feel this feature just needs to work. Right now it doesn't, really.
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Hi @wyldphyre
Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately, I can't say much more about plans for 1PasswordAnywhere right now, but it's great to know that users are keen to see this feature improved.
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Thanks Megan. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised at some point in the future.
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On behalf of Megan, you're welcome. Please let us know if you have any other questions! :)