Two Login Choices

Community Member

My wife and I are currently sharing a vault and we both have separate logins for similar sites. For example, when I go to, I can select either her login or my login from 1password mini. The problem is that the account for both is called "Amazon" and I can't tell from 1password mini which to choose. (Yes, I can hover over each account to see which is which, but I'm hoping for a faster solution.) We've gotten around this by naming the accounts "Amazon (my name)" and "Amazon (her name)", but is there a better way to do this? Can 1password mini display the tag along with the title? If so, then I could just tag the accounts appropriately and see which is which right away.

If anything, this is a plug to be able to configure 1password mini to display 2 or 3 parameters based on user input.


  • TaylorLemon
    Community Member
    edited July 2014

    Along those same lines, it would be nice if there was a way to configure which field is displayed as the sub-title in the "explorer" window of 1password. For example, when you open 1password and click on the logins category, it displays the title and the username, which is fine. But when you click on the passports category, displays the title and the passport number, which isn't very helpful for me. I'd like to see the title and the name. Can I configure the sub-title?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @TaylorLemon‌

    It sounds like you've come up with a pretty good solution there. Giving your Logins a unique name is especially important when sharing a vault.

    Currently it is not possible to configure Mini or the main app to display a particular subtitle, but thanks for letting us know that you are interested in something like this! :)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @TaylorLemon,

    Can 1password mini display the tag along with the title? If so, then I could just tag the accounts appropriately and see which is which right away.

    That's not possible, as @Megan mentioned. However, displaying the username for identically titled Login items would usually be sufficient to differentiate which to choose in cases like this and we have a request for that in our tracker. I'm not sure adding/displaying a tag would be preferable to simply giving the items unique titles to differentiate them, like you're already doing. :)

    Tagging items in shared vaults can be handy in the main application and mini, like in my Johnny and Wendy example. Even items with identical titles, but some unique tag(s), can be directly selected from their respective tag groups.

    Items with unique titles will be more ubiquitously identifiable, regardless of context.

    But when you click on the passports category, displays the title and the passport number, which isn't very helpful for me. I'd like to see the title and the name. Can I configure the sub-title?

    Not possible, as @Megan also mentioned, although we've got a request for that in our tracker where I've noted your interest.

    Thanks again!

    internal reference numbers: OPM-1650, OPM-1700

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