Bug with Chrome/Mac & Seattle Utilities website

Ahsan Kabir
Ahsan Kabir
Community Member

Chrome Version 36.0.1985.125 on OS X 10.9.3

I set up a login for https://secure8.i-doxs.net/SeattleUtilities/default.aspx. When I open a new tab in chrome and try to go to this site from the 1Password extension logins menu, I get the following error:

Please correct the errors below and try again.
Account number is required.
Mailing address ZIP code is required.

It appears that the wrong button is being pressed.

However, this doesn't occur when I already have another website open. The extension creates a new tab and successfully navigates in.

This bug doesn't occur on Safari as far as I can tell.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Ahsan,

    I see how 1Password is misbehaving with that eBilling page in Chrome like you've described. To fix that, please give this a try:

    • Make sure the 1Password browser extension has been updated to version 4.2.3 (or later).
    • Open the main 1Password application and create a new Login item (⌘N) to use with this site.
    • Give it a title, and enter your username and password for the site. For the website field use: https://secure8.i-doxs.net/SeattleUtilities/default.aspx
    • Save this new Login item, then move any old ones for this site to Trash.
    • Finally, test that item using Chrome and Safari.

    Let me know how that works for you -- thanks! :)

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