How do I Add Fields?

Community Member

Back when 1Password was version 3.x and 'Web form details' was called something else, I could click a + sign button and add another username and click the + sign button again and add another password in the same Login record. I would save the record and I was done. One of my login records has six user/password combinations.
I would like to add another one.

How do I add fields?

All I have under Web form details is - sign (delete) buttons.
If I try entering in the username and password fields at the top it just writes over the current username/password, and I want to save that, not write over it.


So after reading the FAQ and all the documentation I can find and searching the forums, I resort to experimentation - because there's nothing I can find about adding fields in the documentation.
It turns out that if you open a Login record and open the Web form details so you can see the fields, and then change the person icon and key icon to blanks and then save the login record and then edit it again, the non-web form username and password fields at the top should now be empty. If you now add a new username and password in the non-web form fields at the top it will create new Web form detail fields.
You must save the Login record again, then edit it again to put the person icon and key icon back where they belong, and save the Login record again.

That is a MESS.

Please, isn't there an easier way to do this?

Can I please have my + sign (new field) button back?

Thank you.



  • Hi @CarlB,

    The easiest way to save multiple fields from a login page is to save a new login following these instructions:

    Saving a new Login manually

    The only way to manually add a field to the web form details is using this workaround, which it looks like you've already found.

    Can I please have my + sign (new field) button back? Please?

    Thanks for the feedback! I will definitely let our developers know that you're interested in this. :)

    internal reference number: OPM-429

  • InTheHills
    Community Member

    I'd like to second CarlB on this. Please bring back the + button for manually adding fields to the Web Details.

  • Thanks for the feedback! I will add your vote for this feature.

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