Cannot get logon to a specific website to work. [resolved by manually saving new Login item]
Community Member
I keep a log on for a subscription to a technical journal. When I use 1Password it never fills in the username. I have tried the add manual method, and it never works. Don't know if you can help with this but it would be nice.
The web site is
Hi Bryan ( @bryanschmiedeler),
Could you please try saving a new Login item manually for that site/page and see if that helps?
If that doesn't work, please let us know which web browser and version of the 1Password extension you're using so we can investigate further. :)
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I did try the manual method or thought I had. But I tried it again and it worked.
Must have messed up the first time.
Thanks much
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You're welcome, Bryan ( @bryanschmiedeler ). Glad it was a success this time around. :)
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