How to Use Password Generator to Strengthen Existing Logins
I have used 1P4 for Mac and Windows for several months now, syncing it across my three Macs and my wife's two PCs. I sync all of our 1P4 installations via wifi to a single sync folder that resides on our Time Capsule, a procedure that seems to work but which AgileBits does not recommend (they don't disapprove, they just don't support it).
I have finally learned most of the basics and 1P4 is working perfectly for me. I used to consult a password-locked Excel spreadsheet every time I needed to recall a complex or infrequently used password, but now I just use 1P4 and my life is greatly simplified.
So far, I have not learned how to use 1P4 to strengthen my existing passwords with the password generator. However, with the recent Russian password hacking story all over the news media I think it my be time for me to start using generated passwords on all of my critical (email, financial, and purchasing) Web sites. I searched the forum for a "How To" thread and I was only able to find this older thread from last year: How to change an existing login password in 1Password 4, Started by hansbraul, 22 Nov 2013.
Does anyone know of a newer "How To" blog, FAQ, or User Guide entry AgileBits may have created on this topic since last November?
Maybe this knowledge base article on updating your site's password will help.
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Thanks Stephen C.
I just found that item also - I'm going to try it.