Different logins for different university subdomains [resolved: created new items w/ multiple URLs]
Hi there.
I'm a graduate student at an American university. The university has different subdomains for its different departments—HR, library, email, and so on. For some reason, I'm able to use the same login for some but have to create a different login for others. So what I have looks like:
library.university.edu — login #1
hr.university.edu — login #1
email.university.edu — login #2
journals.university.edu — login #3
As it stands, due to the subdomains sharing the "university.edu" domain, I'm never able to get a form autocomplete out of 1Password. The app seems overly concerned with the domain, and doesn't look more specifically at the subdomain. I just want to tell it, "Hey, 1Password, I know this looks like a generic 'university' site, but look: it's the library! Use the library one automatically! It's cool, go right ahead!"
I'm not sure how to better describe the issue, but hope someone out there knows how I can train 1Password to be more granular with subdomains.
Maybe this post explaining how the lenient url matching option works will be of some assistance. You'll find the option under 1P4 > Preferences > Browser.
(Sorry I can't explain it myself: I've always found it a little difficult to understand the wording of that option!)
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Hi Eitan,
Have you tried changing the Lenient URL matching option that @Stephen_C mentioned in his reply? In addition to the post he referred to, @JasperP describes the criteria for item sorting in 1Password mini: here (post #10). I hope that helps. :)
Let us know if you have other questions about this -- thanks!
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I've tried turning off lenient URL matching, as well as turning it on, and neither seem to work. I think one of the issues may be that I'm dealing not just with a subdomain but with sub-sub-subdomains. For example, my login for my library account is used on accounts.library.university.edu. My login for the academic journal I edit—and which is hosted on the library's servers—is used on journal.public.library.university.edu. My login for JSTOR is used on jstor.ezp.library.university.edu. And so on.
It's clearly an issue with the university as well, since there's seemingly no reason that I should have to have unique logins for all these sites. But I do. And 1Password only seems to see library.university.edu, without noticing all the other prefixes/subdomains. Help?
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Hi Eitan,
Could you please send us some of the full URLs that are giving you trouble? This will be a lot easier to straighten out if we can do some testing on our end. If you'd prefer not to include these URLs publicly, we can certainly continue this conversation via email - simply include a link to this thread when you send the URLs in to support@agilebits.com so that we can more easily connect the dots.
I'd also love to know which browser you are using, as well as the version number of the browser and the 1Password browser extension. You can find the extension's version number by checking in the browser's preferences, under the extensions tab.
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No serious concerns about privacy here. Two of the sites are:
https://www.lib.rochester.edu/?page=myaccounts&pid=AB463B532F3D18C24B8B3A20D848D56F.The second one, of course, should just be lib.rochester.edu/?page=myaccounts. But there seems to be a different security token created and added to the end each time I access the site. Not sure if that's what's gunking up the gears here, but I doubt it.
The main library site uses my primary university "NetID" that I use for everything else—email, HR, and so on. I don't know why this was the case, but I had to create a totally different account name for the "eBrary" site that branches off the main library subdomain.
Browser is Safari 8.0 (Yosemite beta, but this was the case in Mavericks and Mountain Lion too). 1Password browser extension is 4.2.4.
Thanks in advance for the help!
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Browser is Safari 8.0 (Yosemite beta, but this was the case in Mavericks and Mountain Lion too). 1Password browser extension is 4.2.4.
Just to be absolutely clear, is it just the Safari beta you're using, or are you also using the Yosemite beta? If you are using the Yosemite beta please take a look at this thread on the OS X beta forum—because you need to be using a different version of 1P4 for OS X.
I'm guessing it's just the Safari beta you're using but wanted to be sure.
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It's the Yosemite beta and the Safari beta. So yes, I should ideally download the corresponding 1P4 version. But I can attest to the fact that this issue long, long precedes Yosemite and even Mavericks. I've used every incremental upgrade of 1P since 3.5, and this subdomain login thing has never worked properly. (It hasn't tempered my love for 1P! It's just a nuisance, since I access university sites more than any others.)
If the fix for this is built into 1P 4.5, let me know and I'll download that.
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Hi Eitan,
I just created a login item with both those URLs and everything seems to work fine. When I visit either page in Safari and press ⌘\, auto-fill is successful.
If you create a new login item using those URLs, does it fill correctly for you too?
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Deleting the logins and creating them anew seems to have worked for now! I've added new URLs to the website fields for each of the other university subdomains that shares that particular unique login. (The interlibrary loan site "borrows" the eBrary login, my payroll site "borrows" the main library login, and so on...) I'll let you know if the fix stops working. Thanks for your due diligence!
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Hi Eitan,
I'm so glad to hear that saving a new Login got things behaving for you! Thanks for your patience as we got things sorted out here. If you have any further questions or concerns, we're here to help. :)