Help 1Password play nicely with important banking sites

Community Member
edited August 2014 in Mac

I am new at 1password4 - just installed...all works fine except for those sites I really want it to work for (and I installed beta and tried manual entry and did all these things suggested in various discussion pages): 1password4 does not autofill and does not open: Vanguard, TIAA-Cref, PNC Bank (I figured out a solution for Citibank) - but for all those sites that have a two-page log-in process it does not work. I can see the challenge, I guess, but if the software does not work for those main financial sites what is the point? Or is there a solution I have not figured out yet - please tell me because I find 1Password otherwise to be pretty good. Thanks


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Here are some links that may help you:

    A knowledge base article on creating multi-page logins

    A discussion on this forum about logins to various of the sites you have mentioned

    A further discussion on this forum about the Vanguard login

    I'm sorry I can't help further just at the moment but am severely handicapped by the fact that the forum search facility has "gone rogue", had a major sulk and refuses to return results predictably. :(


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @msarter‌

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been having trouble getting 1Password to behave for some of your banking Logins! I hope that @Stephen_C's suggestions have been helpful, but if there are any sites still giving you trouble, please let us know the URLs that are acting up and we'll see what we can do to help! :)

    (And @Stephen_C, we've been speaking with Vanilla about the search issue - their current advice is to refresh and re-try the search ... but I've had better luck asking Google directly. Let's hope they can get search behaving better soon!)

  • jbchristensen
    Community Member

    I have exactly the same problem as "msarter" above...autofill DOES NOT work for Vanguard. and the manual key stroke of command backslash don't work to fill either. I am not happy after investing time and money into 1Passwork mostly for Vanguard. I feel ripped off. Please tell me there is a solution.

  • Homer
    Community Member

    My "solution" that works for Vanguard is similar to the two page login for most bank sites (they are actually trying to keep your data safe with this added step) except that with Vanguard you let 1Password do the login page as normal. This gets you to the second (password) page. Here, you do a copy/paste of the password from 1Password drop down menu and hit the "submit" button. Works every time.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jbchristensen,

    I'm sorry that 1Password isn't cooperating for you with the Vanguard site. Here's what I'd like you to try:

    • Open the main 1Password app and create a new Login item (⌘N) to use with Vanguard.

    • Give it a recognizable title, and enter your username and password for the site. For the website field, use:

    • Save this new Login item.

    • Test filling the User name field with your new item on the first page (and submit it).

    • If successful, then test filling the Password field with your new item on the second page (and submit it).

    Please let us know the results of that testing and where, if anywhere, you're still getting stuck. I'm sure we can find you a solution for this and appreciate your patience -- thanks!

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Homer,

    I'm glad you've found a solution workaround for using 1Password with Vanguard. :)

    If you're interested in testing what I just suggested to @jbchristensen‌ I'd also be interested in knowing your results. I don't have a Vanguard account to verify whether or not a login is successful after submitting the second page. Thanks!

  • jbchristensen
    Community Member

    SJK -
    I would really appreciate it if you would do some more homework on Vanguard.
    I am a pretty sophisticated user and this is like calling the cable company with a complex request and they tell you to "reset your modem."
    I already know that Vanguard...
    -Has a two step log in process and I know how to use this...i.e. works fine for me with BofA
    -I already know the workaround seen above - but it is ridiculous - you have to go to edit and highlight the password then hit copy, etc. It takes way too long
    -There are already lots of know issues between 1Password and Vanguard. Please search this site (your site)
    -When I try any type of autofill for Vanguard it does not work and usually creates enough havoc that Vanguard asks me to reset my password.
    -After about 10 attempts and 2-3 hours of messing with this I would either like a fix or and admittance that 1Password does not work with Vanguard and a refund. (I just bought this and have several Vanguard accounts and this was the primary reason for my purchase!!!)
    John - a VERY unhappy John

  • mike429
    Community Member
    edited August 2014

    I'll just add my two cents, that Vanguard log-in works fine for me without any copy/paste. I'm using Firefox 31 with 1PW extension 4.2.5b1on Mac OSX Mavericks.

    For the avoidance of doubt, the URL I am visiting is The only little glitch is that 1PW doesn't auto-submit on the first login page. It enters my username, and then I must manually click the "Log On" button. After doing so, I proceed to the second login page. When I re-invoke 1PW, it fills in my password and submits the form successfully.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2014

    Hi John ( @jbchristensen ),

    I'm really sorry for your continued frustration getting 1Password to work with Vanguard. My suggestion in post #6 differs from others that use multiple items for multi-page logins. If that and any other suggestions are still unsuccessful we would be happy to continue assisting you directly in email to find a solution more quickly. To do that, please send us a Diagnostics Report from your Mac, along with a link to this topic and your forum username, to Leaving a short note here after you've sent that email will help us to keep an extra eye open for it and get back with you sooner. Thanks in advance!

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2014

    Hi @mike429,

    I'm glad to hear you've got a working Login item (minus auto-submit) for Vanguard that doesn't require using copy/paste. Thanks for taking time to add your two cents here letting us know. :)

    The URL you're using is similar to the one I suggested in post #6; the results should be the same with either (plus some others on the site). The issue with auto-submit failing can occur with an item created in the main application, like in my suggestion. However, that it can also help avoid other issues which lead to copy/paste usage as a workaround on the second page.

    We're always looking to improve 1Password reliability with trickier sites like these and appreciate your feedback. Thanks again!

  • jbchristensen
    Community Member

    So - I submitted a diagnostic report as per post #10 above. Other than the automated response of "we are busy and will get back to you" I have heard nothing. Discouraging !!

  • Ben
    edited August 2014


    I just wanted to let you know we've received your diagnostic report. We'll be reviewing it soon.



    ref: JER-59829-638

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    For anyone having issues with Vanguard logins, please refer to the Knowledgebase article:

    Creating a Vanguard Login

This discussion has been closed.