Soundcloud login won't work [Resolved: use for the URL]

Community Member
edited August 2014 in Mac

So I have trouble to log in it to using their pop up window.

Mainly 3 problems:

  1. trying to open the page via the 1pw Extension wont work. It opens with "Oops, looks like we can't find that page!"
  2. If I open the soundcloud log in pop up manually, auto fill _sometimes_ wont work, it opens a new tab inside the pop up.
  3. If it does work, my Info is enterd and I manually send it … wont work either. The page refreshes and now needs a captcha. Entering login as well as the captcha does _not_ work when _https everywhere_ is active (works when deactiveated though!)

What I tried:

  1. Firefox, Safari, Chrome (latest versions)
  2. Creating a new log in (Doesn't matter on which "stage" I save the new log in.)
  3. Updating 1pw & Extension to beta (and saved the new log in again …)

Help is highly appreciated ;)


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2014

    Hi @ich,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with SoundCloud.

    EDIT: I've done some testing with a colleague who has a SoundCloud page, and we have found a solution for you! Please change the URL in your entry to This should allow you to use the Go and Fill feature (simply select your SoundCloud Login from 1Password Mini or click on the URL in the entry in the main app) to have 1Password open the URL and fill your details.

    If it does work, my Info is enterd and I manually send it … wont work either. The page refreshes and now needs a captcha.

    When I submit my incorrect demo information, the page refreshes with a captcha screen as well. Could it be that the information your are entering is incorrect? (Perhaps a spelling mistake in your username or a typo in the password?)

    I hope this gets your SoundCloud Login behaving for you, but if you have any further questions or concerns, we're here for you!

  • ich
    Community Member

    Thanks Megan that works perfectly! :)

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ich,

    So glad to hear that! Since this issue is nicely sorted out now, I'll close this thread, but if you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to open a new thread, or email us directly at - we're here for you. :)

This discussion has been closed.