backing up to icloud or dropbox, not making sense

Community Member

Hello, Im new to 1password, hopefully you guys can clarify something for me, I understand that 1password syncs to icloud, so in theory if someone steals my device I can get my 1password data on a new one.

BUT how am I to do this if all my passwords are saved to 1password, included my apple ID password.?

Isnt that the purpose of 1Password, that you only have to remember that 1 password to unlock all the others?

My apple ID is probably the most important password that I want to be 1password generated and store it there, impossible to remember or crack.

Same thing with dropbox, if you sync to dropbox then you have to also remember your password for dropbox other wise you cant get to your backup

So really this should be called 2Passwords, 1 to acces the app and 1 to acces your backups.

I think the only reliable way to back up (IF you really want to use this app to remember just 1 password) is manually backing up the restore file.

Am I missing something? I probably am, Ive been using it for only 2 days.

thanks for any help you can give.


  • Hi @JosueAlexander,

    While 1Password allows you to remember just one password (your 1Password Master Password), there are some cases where it might be helpful to remember a couple more.

    If you rely on iCloud or Dropbox for access to your data, you may want to use a memorable password there.

    How do you make a good strong password that you can also remember? We recommend following the same advice we give for creating a Master Password: Toward Better Master Passwords

    You may also be interested in this blog post: More than just one password: Lessons from an epic hack

    Please let us know if you have any other questions. We're always happy to help! :)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    @JosueAlexander‌ I look upon the iOS version as a companion app to the desktop one (I run OS X myself). In those instances I'd need to have my home ransacked while I was there before I'd lose everything. You could take it a stage further by copying the desktop backups to a flash drive or two, something that might escape the attention of thieves compared to laptops, desktops or NAS devices (or left with a friend for off-site protection).

    I don't remember my awful looking Apple password either :P

  • JosueAlexander
    Community Member

    Thanks for your replies, I suppose thats gonna be the way to go, having to remember more than 1 password. Not what I had in mind when I purchased the app though.

    But still very usefull information Im getting. Thanks and good luck.

    Oh I cant use the iOS version of the app as a companion to the desktop one, because I use 1Password 4 on my iphone and 1Password3 on my old snow leopard macbook. And just realize I cant sync between them.

    So I´m thinking I need to backup my iOS app to dropbox and then if I loose my phone, I could go to any computer and get my apple ID password to start my new iphone.

    So basically my 1Password 3 for mac is uselles to me at the moment, (Im not gonna manually enter everything I already entered in the iOS app).

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JosueAlexander‌

    I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble here, but I think I have good news: 1Password 3 for Mac and 1Password 4 for iOS can indeed stay in sync - via Dropbox. Please let me know if you run into any snags while setting up sync, we're here to help!

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