Problems importing password data file from .csv file to iPassword 4 for Mac
I have almost successfully imported a .csv password data base into 1Password 4 for Mac. My problem is that instead of displaying the .csv file password I downloaded, it is showing a generated password. I suppose it is generated by the 1Password 4 for Mac software during the download and used instead of the password in the .csv file.
Your assistance will be most appreciated.
Hi @robertmaloney,
Can you describe more specifically where you're seeing some incorrect password(s) in 1Password after importing?
My problem is that instead of displaying the .csv file password I downloaded, it is showing a generated password.
What was the process you used to create the CSV file? For example, was the data exported in CSV format from another application, downloaded from somewhere, then imported into 1Password?
One thing you can check is that the CSV data in your file conforms to the guidelines documented here:
Importing data - Comma-separated values
My hunch is that's where the trouble is, although it's not fully clear to me yet so any additional information you can provide is appreciated. :)