Should DropBox’s drop-down menu items be displayed as “coded text” strings ?
Clicking on the DropBox “folder” icon in the 1p4 toolbar presents a drop-down menu, as shown below.
It is filled with many “coded” password text strings with their timestamps.... each with it’s own “Share this link” button.
Is this the appropriate way for 1p4 vaults to be displayed… as coded items ?
If so, what is the purpose of such a display, and how can each item be identified.
Clicking the DB menu’s own “folder icon” takes me to a list displaying my “pdf” file and one 1Password folder and the name of the[ B ] vault, more or less as expected.
FWIW, I’m using 1p4 for Mac with Mavericks, and can see that DropBox is actively sharing a “Getting started.pdf” file with my iPad
I have synched my secondary vault [ vault B ] via DropBox, but not the primary [ vault A ]. I have not yet tested my iPad’s access to [ vault B ].
Good question! Those strings are actually the "unique user identification"(UUID) for an item in your password database, not the vault itself. Dropbox is showing you that it has recently updated one of the files inside your vault.
Your 1Password.agilekeychain stored in Dropbox is actually a bundle of files, and each item is its own file.
When you make a change to an item in your database, Dropbox will update that item's file specifically, not the entire keychain bundle.
(As a precaution, I've removed your screenshot and included one of my own below, using demo data.)
I hope this helps to explain things, but we're here if you have any further questions!