Safari Extension has layout glitches in the lock screen when the iPhone is in landscape mode

edited September 2014 in iOS
This discussion was created from comments split from: Glitch with the extension's unlock screen on landscape iPad [Confirmed, will fix].


  • mathwiz777
    Community Member

    @‌MikeT This is still an issue for landscape iPhones in Beta 22. It doesn't ALWAYS reproduce, but you can usually get it to break by rotating the device while the lock screen is visible. It seems like an ambiguous layout bug, since it's different every time.

    Note: I only tested on a 4-inch iPhone. It may also be broken on a 3.5 inch screen?

  • Hi @mathwiz777‌,

    We don't actually support the landscape mode on the iPhone, so there's a bug in our rotation logic. I'll file a bug report to have that fixed. Thanks for reporting it!

  • Hi @mathwiz777,

    I can't reproduce this issue. If you see it happen again, can you collect the console logs from Xcode or iOS console that might have errors to help us pinpoint it?

  • mathwiz777
    Community Member


    Just to be clear—this is an issue in the 1Password extension, not in the app itself.

    Here's a sample project:

    And here's a movie of the issue:

  • rctneil
    Community Member

    Landscape orientation in the extension would be very useful for when you are browsing safari in landscape and have to run the extension.

  • Hi guys,

    Thanks for the clarification, that makes a lot of sense now!

    We'll figure out a better way to handle this for the extension.

This discussion has been closed.