Bank Multi-Page Login Fail [resolved; select preferred item to fill with from 1Password mini]
Have followed multi-page login instructions to a T, but no dice. "Username" page login functions properly and forwards to "Password" page, but when separate 1Password login created for password page is clicked, browser brings up the "Username" page again, with username field blank. This occurs with whether I employ the "manually save login-username/manually save login-password" and "manually save login/edit existing login" techniques gleaned from Agilebits support pages.
Have also tried manually creating a login in the main app as suggested for other two page logins. That login enters my username, but does not submit it.
URL is (which is the same URL as the second/password page--is that the problem?).
Work around is to login username with 1password, then manually copy the password from 1password and paste into password field, but that's a constant negative reminder that the product is not functioning as billed.
Searched forum for "Bancorpsouth", nothing found.
1Password 4.4.1 (441006) Appstore, OS 10.9.4, Chrome Version 37.0.2062.94, Extension
Hi @gallstone,
Sorry to hear you're having trouble getting 1Password to work correctly with the Bancorpsouth Online Banking multi-page login. Sounds like the second page is where things are getting tripped up. Let's take a look at an example with one item per page.
After manually saving a Login item on the first page (with the Username field), it should have a ctlSignon$txtUserID field in its web form details containing your username, e.g.:
And if you save another item on the second page (with the Password field), that one should have a ctlSignon$txtPassword field in its web form details containing your password, e.g.:
It's okay for both items to have the same value for the website field.
If your Login items differ from those examples please try recreating new ones and see if that helps. Once you're able to a multi-item login working there we can move on to creating a single item to use with both pages. Thanks!
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Quick unexpected weekend response, sjk--nice!
OK, took a peek at the web form details for the two fresh logins I made manually---the "Username" login web form detail correctly shows "ctlSignon$txtUserID MyUsername".
And the "Password" login web form detail correctly shows "ctlSignon$txtPassword MyPassword".
Clicking the "Username" login launches the username page, correctly fills in my username, and auto-continues to the password page, with the password field blank.
When I then click the "Password" login, the browser returns to the username page, with the username field blank.
Then I followed the instructions on creating a "Both Username and Password" single login manually with "Save new Login" and "Update existing Login" technique. Web form detail shows "ctlSignon$txtUserID MyUsername", and on the next line "password MyPassword". (Should it read "ctlSignon$Password MyPassword"?)
Triggering this dual login launches the username page, correctly fills in my username, and auto-continues to the password page, with the password field blank. Then nothing. If I click the login again, it repeats the same thing.
Using both methods, 1Password can't seem to get past that pesky password page.
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Hi @gallstone,
Glad I can be here to help you get this pesky puzzler solved. :)
Thanks for your thorough followup. The description of all items you've created matches my samples, including this:
Then I followed the instructions on creating a "Both Username and Password" single login manually with "Save new Login" and "Update existing Login" technique. Web form detail shows "ctlSignon$txtUserID MyUsername", and on the next line "password MyPassword". (Should it read "ctlSignon$Password MyPassword"?)
Same here, and that password label in the combined item doesn't seem to matter …
After filling the Username field on the first page, with either a username-only or combined username/password item, the second page with the Password field appears (when submitted by auto-submit or manually):
Looks good so far. After filling there, with a password-only or combined item, the first page reappears after auto-submit or manually submitting, but with this We are unable to validate your information. error banner:
Without an account I'm unable to determine whether that error is caused by correctly submitting the invalid credentials or would also occur when submitting valid ones (which seems to be happening in your case). It appears to
Could you try temporarily disabling auto-submit and see if the results are different when manually submitting?
To disable auto-submit for a single item, you can edit it in 1Password and change the submit option to Never submit:
To disable auto-submit for all sites, you can disable the Automatically submit logins after filling option in the Browser tab of Preferences. Or just disable Submit Login in 1Password mini:
And if you're still failing to get a successful login after that, please send us a Diagnostics Report from your Mac, along with a link to this topic and your forum username, to A brief comment here mentioning that you've sent the report would also be helpful.
Thank you!
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Thanks again for your interest/help.
I do not see get the red "unable to validate" banner you were getting. I am also absolutely sure that the MyUsername and MyPassword entries are valid, and are displaying properly in 1Password. (But I have yet to see MyPassword, even fleetingly, on the Bancorp Password page.)
I disabled auto-submit for Bancorp-Username, Bancorp-Password, and Bancorp-Both Logins.
When I double click the Bancorp-Username Login, Chrome properly launches the Bancorp Username Login page, and 1Pass promptly fills in MyUsername, then waits patiently. If I click the "continue" box, Chrome advances to the Bancorp Password page, and the "password" field is left blank. I then double click the "Bancorp-Password" Login, and, without MyPassword appearing in the "password" field at all, Chrome quickly cycles back to a blank Bancorp Username Login page. Just to check, after double clicking the Bancorp-Username login and reaching the properly filled in Bancorp Username page, I tried double clicking my Bancorp-Password Login without clicking the "continue" box, and Chrome cycled again to a blank Bancorp Username page.
Double clicking the Bancorp-Both Login causes Chrome to launch the Bancorp Username Login page, and MyUsername is properly filled in. When I click the "continue" box, Chrome forwards to the Bancorp Password page, and the "password" field is left blank.
As you instructed, I have forwarded on a Diagnostics Report.
And, regardless of what some others might say, y'all's support has been just fine with me.
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Hi @gallstone,
Based on your detailed description (much appreciated!), it looks like this is where the trouble is:
I then double click the "Bancorp-Password" Login, and, without MyPassword appearing in the "password" field at all, Chrome quickly cycles back to a blank Bancorp Username Login page.
Instead of double-clicking that item (presumably in the main application?) when on the page with the Password field, you'll instead want to select the item in 1Password mini after pressing the Command-\ (⌘\) keyboard shortcut or clicking the 1Password extension "key" icon in the browser toolbar. Here, that item would be Bancorpsouth Online Banking [2]:
You can also initially select your Bancorp-Username item through 1Password mini. And even your Bancorp-Both item might work on both pages when selecting it through 1Password mini (at least on the second page).
As you instructed, I have forwarded on a Diagnostics Report.
Got it; thanks. Hopefully the suggestion to try using 1Password mini for item selection will wrap things up here, but if that doesn't help we can continue the discussion in email for additional troubleshooting.
And, regardless of what some others might say, y'all's support has been just fine with me.
Thank you for the kind words! It's a pleasure to help you with getting this bank site filling monkey off your back. :)
ref: ZPH-43987-578
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Well I'll be a monkey's uncle--that worked.
Good ol' operator error.
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That's great, @gallstone!
Have been able to get it working with auto-submit enabled, too? Hopefully that'll be the last monkeying around you'll do with this. :)