Please consider making a 1P keyboard [Not possible at this time]

Kenneth Persinger
Kenneth Persinger
Community Member
edited September 2014 in iOS

I know that keyboards aren't necessarily your area of expertise, but I think it would be a great addition for you guys for the following reasons:

1: any app that wants me to log in, will pop up a keyboard.
2: being able to tap a '1P' button from there would be more intuitive than the new extention.
3: These other keyboard apps that ask me to 'Allow Access to Everything' give me the heebee-geebees.
3A: We already trust you with everything, so granting you access to our keyboard input is a no brainer.



  • EasyD
    Community Member

    How about a 1Password keyboard??? Basically, make a "keyboard" that's a little window into 1Password, which will allow the user to find the app in question, select the bit of info they need, and it will be typed.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Kenneth and @EasyD,

    Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to use a custom keyboard for password fields (or any fields that have 'secure input' enabled. Here's some information from Apple's developer library

    There are certain text input objects that your custom keyboard is not eligible to type into. First is any secure text input object. Such an object is defined by its secureTextEntry property being set to YES and is distinguished by presenting typed characters as dots.

    When a user taps in a secure text input object, the system temporarily replaces your custom keyboard with the system keyboard. When the user then taps in a nonsecure text input object, your keyboard automatically resumes.

    Secure input is generally enabled for all password fields, so a custom keyboard would not be available for use to fill in passwords.

    The 1Password app extension is a great way to get your secure information into log in fields without needing a custom keyboard. It already works in mobile Safari, and over 100 developers have implemented the extension in their apps. You can see it in action on our blog: Introducing the 1Password App Extension for iOS 8 apps, and read about just a few of the apps that have already implemented the extension:

    I hope this helps, but we're always here if you have any further questions or concerns.

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