Using 1Password within the App Store

Community Member

Every time I make a purchase, Apple obviously want my password. That means I have to come out of the App Store, go back into 1Password, find my iCloud password, copy it, quit 1Password, then go back into the app store and paste it in.

I thought that was what all this fuss about extensions was for?



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JasonN,

    I'm with you, switching back and forth to 1Password for that iCloud pop-up isn't the most efficient workflow. Until we convince Apple to add the 1Password extension into the pop-up though, you might consider creating an iCloud password using Diceware. Our security guru discusses Diceware in this blog post here: Towards Better Master Passwords. These passwords are secure and much easier to remember and type than the random strings that 1Password usually generates.

    Diceware is what I use for my iCloud and Dropbox passwords ... and any other passwords that I might need to remember or type.

    I know it's not a perfect answer, but I do hope this helps!

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