Two vaults, different sizes
So, I'm trying to unscramble a bit of a mess. Here's an outline:
1Password 4.4.2beta-4 on my Mac
1Password 5 on my iPhone 6
1Password 5 on my iPad Air.
When moving to my iPhone 6, I went and hit "upgrade" to iCloud Drive.... before reading about all the problems that will cause!
Syncing broke down using Dropbox, so I'd switched to iCloud, not realising that it wouldn't work.
I've now had a few days of not syncing, during which I've made a few changes, but not many.
Because I was not able to use 1Password, I had changed my Dropbox password to something more simple, so I could type it in on iPhone.
I'm now moving back to Dropbox syncing, but it's throwing some issues my way, namely with merging two file vaults.
When I changed back to Dropbox syncing on my Mac, 1Password created a new vault in Dropbox, this time in a 1Password subfolder, instead of the Dropbox root folder.
Now when I set up syncing on my iPhone, and choose the new vault, it says there's a Vault Mismatch. The Primary vault has 744 items, the Dropbox vault has 759 items.
What's also curious, is that when checking in Finder on my Mac, the newly created vault is 1.6MB, the old vault is 19.1MB.
The iPhone 6 offers to Merge These Vaults Anyway, but will that cause problems? They have different passwords, because: about 6 months ago I changed my master password on my Mac to something long and Diceware like. This did not automatically change on my iPhone or iPad. This, as it turns out, I was happy with, because I realised that it would be very boring to type in 5 words on an iPhone every time I wanted to open 1Password, so I didn't try to fix it. This is clearly about to change! It's fine on my iPhone 6, as it has touch ID, but not on my iPad.
Sorry, this has got very long. My questions are:
Why is the newly created vault on my Mac less than 10% of the size of the old one? What's missing? Should I worry?
On my iPhone 6, should I just go ahead and merge those two vaults?
Thanks! (Blast not knowing not to hit no to iCloud Drive!)
Sorry you had this speed bump, @goldensyrup. It should be as simple as merging the data.
Right now, items in the trash are counted in the "All Items" total on the Mac, but they are not counted on iOS. This should be resolved in a future update, but does that account for the item count mismatch?
You should be fine to merge. Any items that are actually the same (as defined by their unique identifiers not merely title) will not be duplicated, and any differences within the items themselves will be reconciled.
Before you merge, though, you may want to back up your data on the Mac (File > Backup) just to be safe. :)
Please let me know how it goes.