creating new passwords or updating old ones doesn’t work with OS 10.9.5 [moved to email]
I have have no luck with changing passwords since updating to OS 10.9.5. When I try to reset my password, using links provided by a web site, I can get to the page where you put in your old password and then select a new password. I’ve used the Password Generator tool to create new passwords, which appear to be filling in. However, when I log out and then attempt to log back in with the new password, I’m told that the password is incorrect. Also, when I tried creating a new login, I couldn’t get the username and password that was generated to log back in to the new site. This is very frustrating. I’ve switched all my passwords over to 1Password, but now I’m having trouble that I’ve never experienced previously. I tried the suggestion to restart Safari. I also reinstalled the Safari extension. Neither of these helped.
P.S.--If I type in my password without using 1Password to fill it in, that works. And, interestingly enough, if I look up the log in in 1Password, the correct user ID and password are shown there, but they don’t fill in correctly, I guess?
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I think the first point to make is that any passwords you have generated which are not linked to a specifically saved login will be saved for you in the Passwords category, so you won't have lost them.
As to the more general problem of not, apparently, being prompted to save a changed password, have a look at this page of the 1P for Mac User Guide about changing saved passwords to see if it helps. If that doesn't help please let us know, with reference to that page, where it goes wrong for you. It would be helpful at the same time to mention your 1P4 version number (and I'm assuming you are using 1P4).
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Stephen-I am indeed using 1P4, ver. 4.4.1 with Safari 7.1. I’m not sure what I was supposed to see in the user guide that would help this situation, but let me give you more information. When I use the 1P browser extension, I go to Logins and click on the saved Login for the site, the page is loaded, the username and password are filled in, then the page reloads with the username filled in and the password field blank. I can repeat that action and get the same result, but if I manually enter the password, the site opens like expected. If I use the 1P app and look at Logins, the same password that I manually typed in is shown as the password when I click on Reveal. The site where I’m having trouble today is, but as I mentioned earlier, I had a similar problem with another site yesterday that was a new web page I hadn’t saved previously and was creating a new account from scratch. I suspect that when we get this one solved, the same solution will work on the other site.
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Ah, that additional information was most helpful, thanks. It sounds as though re-creating and saving some logins manually might sort your login problems. I know it sounds a bit of a hassle but the reason I suggest it is because of this on the linked page:
Saving a new Login manually can be helpful for fixing Logins that are problematic or that were once working but have since stopped. It allows 1Password to refresh everything it “knows” about the page and start from a clean slate.
It will often resolve the situation where things fill in the wrong fields or one field is left blank.
I looked at the site you linked but I'm afraid it redirects me to the UK site and I can't find any login item on the page.
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I tried what you suggested and saved the log in manually. The same thing happened again. After I log out and attempt to log in again using the Safari browser extension, the log in page refreshes with my username still there and the password field blank.
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Just for fun, I tried the the same page that wasn’t working correctly and Firefox browser extension with 1P4 and 1P4 filled it and opened the page correctly. Now we know that the problem must exist somewhere in the communication between Safari and 1P, maybe the extension?
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It sounds like the 1Password extension is installed and enabled in Safari as shown in this thread at the top of this forum category:
Otherwise it wouldn't be filling anything.
What happens if you disable autosubmit, fill your Login, and then manually submit it?
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The first time I manually submitted my credentials, I got a pop-up asking if I wanted to save to the Primary Vault. I didn’t and the log-in was successful. I logged out and then logged back in again (manually) and this time there was no pop-up and the log-in was again successful. I tried using the browser extension to submit the credentials and the had the same result reported previously.
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It sounds like an issue with autosubmit then. I mean, presuming things continue to work well for you with "submit" set to "Never submit" for that Login item. Is that the case? I just want to make sure before I report this to the devs.
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So far, this is the only log-in for which I’ve attempted to reset my password. Any log-in previously saved continues to work. Note that the “submit” worked correctly with the Firefox extension on that same web site, but not in Safari.
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Hi @TigerMO,
Thanks for that additional information. It's still unclear why you're getting different results with Safari and Firefox.
Please give this a try and let us know if it makes any difference:
- Create a duplicate of the Login item you've been using for this site, by selecting it in the main application and running Item > Duplicate from the menu or pressing the Command-D keyboard shortcut.
Change its website field to
Also change its submit setting to Always submit.
- Save that duplicated copy of the item and give it a test with Safari and Firefox.
Hopefully that new item will work consistently and properly with both Safari and Firefox. We look forward to hearing the results. :)
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After making the suggested duplicate with the changes, I tried using Login from the browser extension to open the page in Safari and experienced the same result. The login page reloads and displays the user name filled in and the password field blank. In Firefox, using the same login process, the user name and password are both filled in and an error page opens asking for a search term (see attached screen shot). If I click on the X to close the yellow message window and then click on Sign In, the web site opens and I’m logged on. I believe this was also happening earlier with Firefox and I forgot to mention it. If I log out of Chefs and then then immediately log back in by clicking on Login at the top of the Chef home page, my user name and password are automatically filled in, but don’t get submitted until I click on Sign In.
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Hi @TigerMO,
Thanks for trying that Login item using a simpler website field; sorry it didn't help. Is there any difference using it both ways that @MikeT asked you about?
From what you've described, at least part of the trouble might be caused by web browser password management interfering with 1Password filling. Please check your browser settings in Safari and Firefox to make sure autofill is disabled for both of them.
If you know web browser password management isn't a factor, here's something else to try:
- Make sure the 1Password browser extension has been updated to version 4.2.4 (or later) in both browsers.
- Open the main 1Password application and create a new Login item to use with this site (press Command-N (⌘N)).
- Give it a differentiating title, e.g. CHEFS Test Item
- Enter your username and password for the site. For the website field use:
- Save this new Login item, then test it these ways (like @MikeT was asking):
- Open the site directly by selecting the test item from the 1Password extension.
- Manually go to the website without using the extension, then press Command-\ (⌘\) to fill with the test item.
I've created an account and working Login items for this CHEFS Catalog site so there's surely a solution that will also work for you. :)
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I didn’t know about the keyboard shortcut for filling in information, so I tried it and got the same results as with using the extension.
Autofill passwords was already disabled in Safari, but enabled in Firefox, so I turned it off.
1P 4.2.4 was already installed and enabled in both browsers.
So, I created the new Login and tested it 4 ways in Safari. Between each trial, I closed the previous tab and opened a new tab to start from fresh.
1) Tried logging in using the 1P extension. Result was unsuccessful login with a reload of login screen with only the user name filled in (same as always).
2) Tried manually going to the website and using the keyboard shortcut. Same result as #1.
3) Tried manually typing in both user name and password. Login was successful, thus verifying the legitimacy of the credentials.
4) Tried manually typing in the user name, then using the 1P extension to Copy the password and cmd-V to paste. Login was successful. Isn’t that interesting?I didn’t test it in Firefox since it was already working correctly in that browser.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you for that helpful information, @TigerMO!
4) Tried manually typing in the user name, then using the 1P extension to Copy the password and cmd-V to paste. Login was successful. Isn’t that interesting?
This makes me think that perhaps the site is limiting the password length. When 1Password fills it directly the site doesn't have a chance to restrict the character length. When you type it or paste it the site can act on it and truncate the password to what it deems an acceptable length.
I created an account there myself to test my theory.
- At first, my 50 character password was rejected, so I tried a 30 character password.
- The site accepted my 30 character password on the registration page.
- When I went to log back in I saw the same results you saw in all your tests.
Then I changed my password to one that is only 16 characters.
Logging in with 1Password worked perfectly.
After some further testing, I found that changing it back to the same password as it was originally actually worked just fine, so I guess maybe it isn't related to the length after all. Besides that, you said it works fine in Firefox.
Just for kicks, though, I'm wondering what happens if you generate a 29 character password, change it on the site, and update your Login item with it. Does it begin to work for you?
This whole thing sure is quite the mystery. :)
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My password is only 9 characters long!!!
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A 29 character password has the same result as any other password in Safari. That extra long password works fine in Firefox.
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Well, I guess we can rule that out then. Thank you for confirming.
When I saved my initial Login it was on the registration page, so different form fields were saved in the item than appear on the login page. I did have some trouble with that Login item, but I can't seem to get it to break after I saved a new Login item on the login page using the steps here:
You said you already did that, though, and it sounds like creating a brand new Login item using those steps didn't work for you.
The Login I saved on the registration page exhibits the same behavior you describe, but I can't reproduce the behavior using a Login saved on the login page. So I'm a bit stumped.
Here is a video of what I did:
It starts out with my test password (which happens to be 30 characters) already pasted in the password field. Then I enter the username and save a new Login. I log out and then back in by filling the Login.
I'm not sure where this puts us, but I thought perhaps seeing the video might trigger something on your end — maybe a tiny step that I've been forgetting to mention that only shows in the video.
If you are so inclined, perhaps a video from you could do the same for us. Jing is a great tool for recording video on your screen since it also hosts the video too. If you didn't want to post it in the forum, we'd be happy to have you email the link to the video: support+forum@ agilebits .com Just be sure to include a link to this thread in your email.
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I’m getting really frustrated and tired of messing with this. I can continue to replicate the problem, and you can, too, but neither of us seems to know how to fix it. I didn’t see anything in the video that I haven’t tried or that you did any differently than I do. I might just have to remember to use Firefox to log in to this website unless you have any other suggestions. Thanks for trying.
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I completely understand.
As I mentioned, the only way I was able to reproduce it was by saving a Login on the registration page and using that one on the login page. If I save a new Login item, it works perfectly every time. I cannot reproduce a problem if I save a new Login item on the actual login page of the site as shown in the video.
For now, you can definitely use Firefox, but if you did want to keep digging, we're happy to do so.
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Hi @TigerMO,
I've created a sample Login item that you can download, import, modify, and test with: CHEFS Catalog - Test Item
Using your username and password in that item, it should work with any 1Password-supported browser. If it does give you any trouble we'd like to move this discussion to email and find a solution for you. To do that, please send us a Diagnostics Report from your Mac, along with a link to this topic and your forum username, to Also mention which browser(s) it doesn't work with. And a brief comment here mentioning that you've sent the report would be helpful.
Thanks in advance!
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No change in browser activity. Diagnostic Report was submitted by email. Good luck!
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Hi @TigerMO,
Thanks for sending that Report in! I took a quick look in our system, but I was unable to find an email from the address you attached to your forum account. If you could send me a private message with the address that you used to send in the Report, I'd be happy to track it down and ensure that it gets answered quickly. :)
Thanks for providing your email address to me - I'm now able to locate your Diagnostics Report in our system. I've updated the email thread with the necessary details from this forum discussion so that it is easier for our support team to get up to speed with the issue. Someone from the support team will get back to you as soon as possible with some further information. We'll close this discussion now and keep the conversation going directly via email to avoid complicating things between here and there. :)
ref: WHI-27967-299