Is there voice support for 1Password? Anywhere?
rigth now it is asking me for my master password all the time
What do you mean by all the time? The way 1Password works is after a period of inactivity it will lock the vault as a precaution and next time you try to access you vault it will require your master password again. The preferences for this behaviour can be found in 1Password : Preferences... : Security tab.
I can't remember what the defaults are but they're probably cautious so most are probably enabled by default. It's designed to limit the possibility of somebody rummaging around in your vault when you're not using your computer. As you can see you can configure how it behaves but every so often you will need to enter your master password.
Personally I'd recommend being forced to enter it every so often, otherwise you may forget it and if that was to happen you're snookered.
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Hi George,
It wasn't clear to me from your title if you were perhaps referring to 1PasswordAnywhere or not. If so, 1PasswordAnywhere has a set 1 minute auto-lock.
If you're still having trouble, could you let us know how it goes if you adjust your auto-lock settings on the Security pane in 1Password's preferences to be in line with your expectations?
A couple examples:
If you disable 1Password's auto-lock settings (Preferences > Security) 1Password will stay unlocked all day long. You will only need to type your master password after a fresh login to your OS X account.
If you use a laptop, enabling only the "Lock on sleep" option means that 1Password will stay unlocked until you close the lid on your MacBook. A convenient way to stay secure on the go!