Adding photo of driver's license
Adding a photo of your drivers license to your drivers license in 1Password is mentioned in a few places. I have 3 questions:
1) how do you actually do this?
2) what format(s) is supported for the file to be attached?
3) can you see the photo/file on your iOS device once synced?
- When you edit an entry of any type right at the bottom you should see an option for attaching files. You can drag and drop or use the choose file button to bring up a standard file selector window.
- You can attach anything you want, one typical example is attaching licence files for purchased software where the licence is a binary file rather than a string of characters.
- I haven't ever attached photos before but I believe quick view, where you hit space on a file and get the mini preview window, that works. I read that in reference to pdf so it might work with anything it can do a quick view in Finder. Now that applies to OS X, I'm not sure about iOS I'm afraid.
In relation to 3. I've tried jpg, png, pdf and even animated gif files, they all can be viewed via the quick view feature in OS X. I then forgot that attachments don't sync via WiFi so I still can't comment on iOS :P
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Hi guys,
1) how do you actually do this?
Edit your item and there is an attachment row where you can drag any attachments you want:
If you want to customize the icon for your Driver License, you can do that by dragging an image file into the license icon:
The final result would look like this in the item list view:
or in the details view of the License item:
2) what format(s) is supported for the file to be attached?
Any image format is accepted for the custom item icon but any file is generally accepted for the attachment. Bundle files (like iWork files) and/or folders must be zipped up first before attachment.
3) can you see the photo/file on your iOS device once synced?
Yes, however only via iCloud or Dropbox. Wi-Fi sync for attachments is coming in a future update to both 1Password apps on Mac and Windows.