Two page login to Banking Site won't work

Community Member

I have a account at a Credit Union that I can't get 1Password to work. On the first page of the site I put in my login name and hit return. The second page comes up with a photo image I have selected, a place for my password and then the "Login" button. I've tried several things with no success. If I screw up the password for example then I get redirected to a page where both my username and password can be entered. Should I use that instead? I haven't tried it yet.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @br1896,

    Have you taken a look at our Knowledgebase article on Creating a multi-page Login? This should walk you through the process.

    If you're still having trouble, could you let us know your Credit Union's URL so we can at least try testing 1Password's filling on the first page?

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