How are other safes encrypted? Which master-password is used?

Community Member


I'm a bit confused about how master-passwords are used along more than one safe (hope that is the right translation).
I used a master-password for my main safe and used it also for a second safe (I know that is bad but that is not the case anymore ;)). Now I changed my sync method from iCloud to Dropbox and added the second safe to it so I can use my second safe on iOS as well. Here's what's confusing:
When I added the second safe it asked for its respective password but when I unlock the app (which holds both safes) it asks for my main-safe password. So: how is my second safe encrypted when I can unlock 1P on iOS with my main-safe password? And how can I change the password for my second safe? On 1P for Mac I need to change to my main-safe in order to change the master password.



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Saphired‌

    When we added the multiple vaults feature to 1Password, we wanted to ensure that users still only had to remember one password. Not only because it's in our name ;) but remembering multiple strong passwords just seems like a lot of trouble. So, your primary vault holds the encryption keys for all secondary vaults. This means that when you unlock your primary vault, you will have quick and easy access to all secondary vaults as well.

    I hope this helps, but if you're looking for a more technical description, our security guru has written a post here that provides more detail.

  • Saphired
    Community Member

    Thanks! Helps a lot. But still I don't know how to change the password of a second vault :(

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Saphired,

    At this time, it is not possible ... not easy to change the password of a secondary vault. To do so, you'll need to follow this guide: Edit a Vault's details after creation. Essentially you'll be exporting the secondary vault's contents and creating a new secondary vault with the password (and any other customizations) you want. We're looking to make this simpler in the future, but for now, this is what we've got. :)

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