New User - trouble setting up wifi sync

Community Member

I am having some trouble and after spending the last couple hours searching the forums and knowledge base for an answer, I am still at a loss.

I installed 1pw for Mac from the AB website yesterday and today I installed it on both my iPhone 6 and my iPad. Upon initially opening the iOS versions it asks me if I want to sync to an existing vault. I choose YES, and then it asks me which method I want to use to sync. I had already read about the iCloud issues so I was trying to set up wifi syncing. I followed the instructions from the knowledge base for starting wifi sync, but after pulling up the Mac wifi sync "secret" my Mac does not show up on either iOS device to move forward... Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Something that has worked for a few people is to reboot their iOS devices and possibly their macs. Not too onerous so worth a shot.

  • COdogman
    Community Member

    Thanks, littlebobbytables. I just tried your suggestion and I'm still having the same issue. Restarted my Mac and both iOS devices :(

  • Ben

    Hi @COdogman‌

    Please try syncing over an AdHoc WiFi network:


  • COdogman
    Community Member

    Thanks, bwoodruff - that worked right away! That should definitely work until Yosemite is released and i can switch to iCloud. Much appreciated!

  • Ben

    Thanks @COdogman‌. It is meant more as a troubleshooting step than a solution, but if it'll hold you over until you can sync via iCloud, that is great. The purpose of testing syncing over an ad hoc network is that with that setup the devices talk directly to each other vs through your wireless network. If it works through an ad hoc network and not through your WiFi network that would indicate a problem with the setup of your WiFi network.

  • COdogman
    Community Member

    Oh ok. That makes sense. Just for future reference, what typically is the problem with the wifi network in a situation like this? Is there a specific setting I can change?

  • Ben

    It could be any number of things. One of the more common problems is that some WiFi routers have a setting that prevents WiFi <-> WiFi communications.

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