Saving new login with extension?

Community Member

System Information:
System: iPhone OS (8.0.2)
1Password Version: 5.1
Device Name: iPhone 6

Locale: en_GB

How is 1p extension supposed to work for saving new login? On registration page for new website, after selecting 1p extension it is blank. No option to generate a password or save details for the website. I have to go to 1p app to generate password and copy. After registering, selecting 1p extension does not offer option to save login details. I have to go back to 1p app and manually complete details and hope there are no typos.

When creating a new login in 1p app it is not possible to edit notes field if default keyboard autocorrect suggestions are active. I can't move the screen down far enough to access notes field.

In 1p app in send email, 3rd party keyboards are active even though the option is disabled.



  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    At the moment the extension is a one way system for filling in from existing items. It is version 1 though. Given time I'd sure they'd love it to behave like the saving a login manually in OS X feature. I think that ought to be doable too.

    Regarding the third part of your message; I haven't used it before but it looks like 1Password is simply handing sending an email off to the Mail app. At that point it may not be able to control which keyboard is in use.

    I see what you mean about if you're editing a notes field. I could type but I couldn't see what I was doing. I couldn't disagree with the idea that it could use being tweaked.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @romadu‌

    Thanks for taking the time to write in!

    How is 1p extension supposed to work for saving new login?

    As @littlebobbytables‌ says, the iOS app extension isn't quite as powerful as the desktop browser extension yet. We've got a lot of great ideas on how this handy little feature can be improved, but it's important to remember that things work a little differently on iOS than they do on Mac, so we might not be able to do all of the same cool stuff that we can do through the Mac browser extension. Saving a Login is high on my list of things I hope we can manage one day though! :)

    Currently, the best way to save a Login on iOS is as follows:

    • Copy the URL of the site
    • Switch to 1Password
    • Tap the '+' icon when in the Categories or Logins tab to add a new Login
    • Paste in the site's URL (you may want to update this later so it is the site's sign-in page instead of the create account page, if the two are different)
    • Enter a unique title for the entry
    • Type in your username
    • Generate a password
    • Save the entry and tap to copy the generated password
    • Switch back to 1Browser or Safari
    • Paste your newly generated password into the appropriate fields and save your account details on the site.

    When creating a new login in 1p app it is not possible to edit notes field if default keyboard autocorrect suggestions are active. I can't move the screen down far enough to access notes field.

    This is a known issue that our developers are working to solve - I know it's rather annoying, we'll do what we can to have this fixed as soon as possible!

    ref: OPI-1759

    In 1p app in send email, 3rd party keyboards are active even though the option is disabled.

    Again, @littlebobbytables‌ is right. I've confirmed with a developer, just to be sure. When you tap to email a 1Password item to someone, the app brings up a mail sheet that is provided by iOS. Apart from the content of the message, this has nothing to do with 1Password. So we can't disable custom keyboards there.

    I hope this helps, but we're here if you have any further questions! :)

  • bz101
    Community Member

    Definitely +1 for this feature. I would love to have the ability to create/register a login on a new site. But maybe even more importantly is update a password with a 1P generated password on the fly to help my security. Much of my browsing is from my iPhone. Thx!

  • Hi @bz101,

    Thanks so much for the feedback! I've added your vote for this feature. :)

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