Restoring from dropbox on OS X Yosemite

Lasse E. Olsen
Lasse E. Olsen
Community Member

Hey guys,

So I reinstalled my Mac and are looking at setting up my 1password. I've used Dropbox to store all my backups.

The issue

When I try to restore from Dropbox, nothing happens when I press open. I also tried to create new account, then restore backup from new account (image under) with no luck. I even tro to unzip the backup files with no result, drag 'n' drop the files on the application etc.

Using 1password beta

I then found this article about using 1password beta. The only issue here is however that I purchased 1password from Mac App Store, so I don't get the "Update" panel in preferences.

Was it unnecessary for me to update to Yosemite beta? Yes. Will I learn from it next time? Probably not.

Is there a solution to this where I can retrieve my files? Thanks for any help.


  • Hi Lasse

    Do you have your actual 1Password.agilekeychain file synced to Dropbox, or just the backups?



  • Lasse E. Olsen
    Lasse E. Olsen
    Community Member

    Hey Ben,

    I guess it just backups. Filename of last file is "1Password 2013-10-10 201854 (99 items).agilekeychain_zip". I just figured that since I used backups via Dropbox, I could sync back to it.

  • Hi Lasse,

    Take the 1Password 2013-10-10 201854 (99 items).agilekeychain_zip file, and drag it to the desktop. Rename it to Double click it to unzip it and you will now have 1Password.agilekeychain.

    Move 1Password.agilekeychain to the Dropbox folder, so it resides like this: Dropbox > 1Password > 1Password.agilekeychain

    Now you should be able to target the file for sync.

  • Lasse E. Olsen
    Lasse E. Olsen
    Community Member

    Hey Chris,

    Nice, now it worked :) Thanks a bunch

  • On behalf of Chris, you're welcome. Please let us know if you have any other questions! :)

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