Newbie questions: Length of assigned passwords?

Community Member

Hi all,

Quick question....... How long do you make your complex passwords? 10? 12? 20?

Just curious to see the average is. My prior complex passphrase that I used for a site or two was 16 char with mixed case, special char, numbers, etc....


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    16 characters that are truly randomly selected should be plenty for security. Your post suggests that you may have been using the same one at a couple of sites - that's a big No-No.

    There are a couple of sites I use where the length of the password can't exceed a certain number of characters - 12 in one case. Others won't accept special characters. None of these are ideal.

    If left to my own devices, though, I usually use +/-16 characters.

  • jbamberger21
    Community Member

    I agree about the Nono. At least it was a good secure and complex pass phrase. I did choose 16 with some special and numbers.


  • MikeT
    edited October 2014

    Hi @jbamberger21,

    On the web, since I rarely type in anything other than my 1Password master password, I use 30+ character and symbol passwords for sites that support it.

    For security questions and answers, I use the pronounceable option because often you have to say it to the rep on the phone, so this would be better than a long random string.

    For anything outside of the web where I do need to type in often, I also use the pronounceable or diceware option at 20+ char, it's easier to type 2-3 characters in sets with a separator than a random one.

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