Small Business wanting to separate vaults

Community Member

We are a small business that has recently purchased 1password. We were hoping that by being able to have different vaults, we would be able to have certain vaults for certain people. For example, our CEO would have a vault for important financial passwords and another employees would not have the access too, but there would also be a vault that everyone could access with passwords requiring less security.
As mentioned in previous posts, opening the primary vault opens all the vaults and that doesn't work for us.
Are there plans to change this for the next version of 1password? Or do you have any alternative suggestions?
Thanks you.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @pointblankcreative‌

    Thanks so much for considering 1Password to keep your data secure and organized!

    You may have read this before, but I'll just include our reasoning for the vault set-up here:

    1Password's new multiple vault feature was designed so that you still only have to remember one password, no matter how many vaults you create. Your primary vault holds the encryption keys for all of your secondary vaults. This means that unlocking your primary vault will give you quick and easy access to all of your data, regardless of which vault it is stored in.

    That being said, I think that 1Password's multiple vault feature will work just fine for your team. Let me explain how.

    In general, we recommend that a user's primary vault should never be shared. So each member of your team can set up 1Password as a new user and create their own super-secure Master Password for their primary vault. Any personal information can be stored in this vault. Then you can create as many secondary vaults as necessary - one for the CEO, a vault for each team, and a vault for the entire company, perhaps and share those vaults through Dropbox. We've got instructions on how to set that up here:

    How to share a non-primary vault

    In this situation, each of your employees would be opening 1Password with their own Master Password, and would only be given access to the secondary vaults that they need.

    I hope this helps - if you have any further questions, we're here for you! :)

  • PacificSunshine
    Community Member

    I do not have a business license, but I have a question out of curiosity. If I was an employee and was given a secondary account by the CEO, would the CEO then have access to all my passwords I use for personal (non-business) accounts?

  • thightower
    Community Member


    No. Your circumstance is different in that a secondary vault on your machine would open with Your Master Password or the Master Password of the secondary vault. Because your machine knows the encryption keys for both vaults.

    Your Master Password or encryption keys for your primary vault keys would never be shared back thru a secondary vault.

    This is a great reason to design your vaults properly when first setting up 1Password. (Keeping work and personal separate)

    The 1Password support team recommends setting up your vaults so that your personal vault is the primary and work for example is a secondary.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @PacificSunshine‌

    I hope that @thightower's advice has helped you out here. If you set up 1Password with your personal information in your primary vault and your work data in a secondary vault, unlocking your primary (personal) vault will unlock your secondary (work) vault as well, but the reverse is not true.

    If your CEO were to access 1Password on your computer, they could open the secondary vault directly by using the 1Password > Switch to Vault, but that would only give them access to the secondary vault.

    Please let us know if you have any further questions!

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