ER: Ability to delete attachments on iOS [Known issue]

Community Member
edited October 2014 in iOS
  1. As you probably are aware, or should be at least, there are massive bugs in the 1password suite.
  2. One of them, a particularly annoying bug, is that deleted attachments are not respected by the iOS client.
  3. Here's an Enhancement Request to allow users to delete attachments from iOS Clients directly.


  • peterpedal
    Community Member
    1. On OS X create a record (example: Credit Card)
    2. Add attachment images of the front/back of the card. Name the attachments "bankname_1Front.jpg" and "bankname_2Back.jpg"
    3. Sync and view the record on iOS.

    It's a crapshoot which order the attachments are listed. Half of the time it's Back first, Half are Front first.
    Expected 1) consistency in order of displaying attachments 2) if not managing 1), then ability to order attachments into appropriate order.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    I would assume that the ability to delete attachments in the iOS application will come when the ability to add them directly on iOS devices also comes.

  • Ben

    Hi @peterpedal‌

    Thanks for letting us know about this issue. We hope to improve the overall attachment sync experience in the near future.


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