1Password 4.4.2 for Mac (from the AgileBits website) needs to be updated manually

1Password Alumni
edited October 2014 in Mac

If you are using the version of 1Password purchased from the Mac App Store, this does not apply to you. Continue updating 1Password through the Mac App Store as usual. Please do not download 1Password from the AgileBits website if you are using the Mac App Store version of 1Password.

There was an issue with the 1Password Updater in version 4.4.2. We caught this problem fairly quickly and released version 4.4.3 to fix it, however if you did manage to update to version 4.4.2, the 1Password Updater may fail to extract the application archive when updating to version 4.4.3.

If you updated to version 4.4.2 and are seeing the "failed to extract application archive" message when updating, you'll need to download version 4.4.3 from our website and install it manually:

  1. Open the 1Password main app, and press ⌃⌘Q (Control-Command-Q) to fully quit 1Password and 1Password mini.
  2. Download the latest version from the downloads page on our website:
  3. Unzip the downloaded file (if it wasn't done automatically), then drag it to the Applications folder and replace the existing version.

If you're still having trouble installing version 4.4.3, please create a new discussion with as many details as you can provide, so we can better assist you. We are always here to help!

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