Mac died and I have the 1Password files from the hard drive. How to I move the files to a Dell PC?
My iMAC died and I love 1Password. My backups were not in the cloud or dropbox but I had Simply Mac pull the 1Password files from the harddrive and put them on an external drive. I have 1Password installed on my Dell Laptop. Can I take the files from the iMAC external drive and use them on my Dell Laptop?
Hi @Tarmac206,
It's sad to hear that your iMac has died. We sure want to help carry on your love for 1Password to your Dell laptop!
Was the version of 1Password running on your iMac purchased from the Mac App Store or licensed from our website? Do you know which folder(s) of 1Password files were copied to the external drive?
The 1Password database and backup files for the Mac version are incompatible with the Windows version. Do you have any iOS devices? 1Password for iOS would be able to restore a backup from the Mac version to an iOS device through iTunes File Sharing on Windows. Then you could use Dropbox to get your 1Password data from iOS into Windows. Or Wi-Fi syncing.
Another possibility would be to get temporarily access to a Mac from someone you trust, use it to recovery your 1Password data and saved it to a keychain folder somewhere (e.g. Dropbox, USB drive) that 1Password for Windows could read. Or Wi-Fi sync it.
To summarize: if you're able to get access to 1Password on iOS or a Mac there's a good chance you can recover your data and get it transferred to 1Password for Windows on your Dell laptop. Please let us know if those resources are possible and we can help you with more specific details.