Newly created Master password not working

Community Member

Hello! I am new to 1Password and have just downloaded and installed it on my Iphone 6 (with iOS 8.0.2).

I was asked to create a new account with a new Master password which was verified and accepted. When I then was trying to log in to the application using the exact same password that I created just minutes before I am told that it is wrong password and that I should try again. I know that it is the right password and I know that I am typing it right so it is not a user error on my side.

I am using a fairly long password with uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and exclamation marks. Could it be that the exclamation marks are messing it up? I doubt that this should be the case since I would be amazed if a big application like 1Password (which only point really is to handle passwords) does allow entering invalid characters in the password selection instead of warning when trying to type invalid characters...

Anyone know what to do?


  • Ben

    Hi @jooh‌

    Sorry to hear about the difficulty with your Master Password. Have you tried using the previous password to login?



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