1PasswordAnywhere in 1Password 5 unable to run from USB

Community Member
edited October 2014 in Mac

Hello, could you please help me. I would like to switch from 1password 3 to 1password 5, but i can not because 1passwordAnywhere does not run from USB. I am aware that i can run it from webserver or dropbox, but it would be more convinient to be able to run it independently of them.
Thank you for your time,
Best regards,


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    @ihold‌ It's to do with local file restrictions that browsers enforce for security reasons. Here's a link to a post I made a while ago about how to disable these restrictions in Safari. That will allow you to run 1PasswordAnywhere from Safari on a mac. Instructions are sadly browser and OS dependent so hopefully you don't mind using Safari for now.

    Why do you believe you need to use 1PasswordAnywhere though to move from 1Password 3 to 1Password 5?

  • ihold
    Community Member

    Thank you for your quick and detailed reply. I will look up your instractions in a sec. regarding your question, when i use1 password 3 i had no problem run it from USB, as soon as i go to 1p5 this function does not work and now I DO have to switch off the security. what if i work not from home but the office, or a friends place? i will have to alter thier security settings. while 1password 3 did not require it. I do not mind stay with 1 password3 but it seems to work very slowly.
    thanks once again. I am off to your link to see instractions.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    @ihold‌ If you're requiring read only access to your vault in a variety of location then Dropbox is probably your best option.

    I'm still a little confused by what you're saying though, are you saying that 1PasswordAnywhere when created by 1Password 3 doesn't have this issue while doing so from 1Password 5 does? I'm surprised as either version should be coming across the security restrictions - it's all to do with trying to run Javascript from a local file system in a browser. Each browser implemented this independently of each other and of course all require different work arounds as a result. I am I misunderstanding and you're saying until now you've been running the actual 1Password application from a USB drive and 1Password 5 doesn't allow you to do this?

  • ihold
    Community Member



    i copied the content of both safes to show their differences in files (see links above). they have different structures. And, yes, :) I do run 1 password 3 from USB without switching off security settings. when I set up 1p5 it replaces files 1p3 and then requires to alter security settings.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    I'm really rusty when it comes to 1Password 3 - I haven't used it for quite some time now so somebody else will have to explain why that's the case. I'd have thought the decryption process hasn't changed radically so I'm surprised in what you're observing.

  • thightower
    Community Member

    Thats is exactly the design of 1Password 3. Likely what we are seeing is a change slowly but surely to the OPV data format due to roll out sometime in the future.

    For the record its the browser and OS file restrictions put into place. Its nothing to do with 1Password on the restrictions as I understand it. I have not used 1PA in well forever. All the html does is read internal data from within the keychain, so maybe some change the guys have made has likely triggered one of these browser restrictions.

    Further reading in the knowledge base.

    1PAny File restrictions

  • ihold
    Community Member

    thanks to you all guys, I have to let my wife go who has been pateintly translating my computer stuff. is there any idea how to get in touch with tech support in order to ask to look up the problem?

  • thightower
    Community Member



  • ihold
    Community Member

    thank you.

  • eva_s
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ihold‌. I looked for an email from you in our ticketing system, but I couldn't find anything from the email address you have tied to your forum account. If you haven't contacted us yet, that's no problem. I just wanted you to know that I was keeping an eye out for it.

  • ihold
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    Hello Eva_S, thank you for your reply, here is the message and the automatic reply from your system that we have recieved,
    the message was sent on the 19th of october. i hope it helps. best regards, Alex

    [Edited by Mike: removed the email body] Support ID is #VWK-97461-278.

  • Hi @ihold,

    I found your email and replied there. I also edited your post above to remove the email itself.


  • off-road-biker
    Community Member

    Would you please send your answer here in public.
    I would like to have 1Password also on my USB-Stick for restricted computers. I have 1Password for Mac and iOS.

    1Password Anywhere on Dropbox online isn't a solution to me cause I have to fill in my master password on the public computer (Keylocker!). Not a good idea in combination with tracked path to my Dropbox account.

    MikeT, I have sent a mail to support+licenses@agilebits.com regarding my license last Saturday. Unfortunately, I have not received any response. How long does it you usually take to reply?

  • ihold
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    [Edited by Mike to remove the data file and email]

    ??????? (((((((( i copied the content of safe 1Password 3 (1Password.agilekeychain)

    Who is responsible to AgileBits Support ????

  • MikeT
    edited October 2014

    Hi guys,


    Would you please send your answer here in public. I would like to have 1Password also on my USB-Stick for restricted computers. I have 1Password for Mac and iOS.

    We do not share content of private email support. However, the answer is the same as thightower, you have to modify your browsers to run javascript locally. We've explained how here: https://guides.agilebits.com/1password-mac-kb/4/en/topic/local-file-restrictions-in-1passwordanywhere

    If you're running on public computers, they probably do not allow you to modify the browsers. In this case, there isn't any solution for this beside using 1Password on your mobile devices if you have one and manually type in the password.

    1Password Anywhere on Dropbox online isn't a solution to me cause I have to fill in my master password on the public computer (Keylocker!).

    In that case, it doesn't matter if you're running from USB, you're still getting keylogged and you SHOULD not be using 1PasswordAnywhere nor 1Password on public computers you do not trust.

    There is simply no way to run local javascript files, the browsers intentionally block this for security reasons.

    @ihold, please do not share any private emails nor data files on public forums, we do not allow this.

    I've tested both 1Password 3 and 1Password 5 data files that I've created on my Mac, there is virtually no difference in 1PasswordAnywhere between them and I can use them in Safari with the local file restrictions disabled.

    Try dragging the 1Password 3's 1Password.html file into the 1Password 5's data file and see if that works.

  • ihold
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    MikeT !!!

    Try dragging the 1Password 3's 1Password.html file into the 1Password 5's data file and see if that works.

    not open....((((

  • @ihold,

    Which browser are you using and which version is it? Are you sure you've disabled the file restrictions?

  • ihold
    Community Member


    Safari 8.0 (10600.1.25)

    Are you sure you've disabled the file restrictions?

    Not disabled the file restrictions. But works on Macosx, on Windows (fierfox) does not work ... .

  • Hi @ihold,

    So, it works fine on OS X for both Safari and Firefox but not Firefox on Windows?

This discussion has been closed.