Two 1P installed?
I have updated to 1P version 5 from the MAS. Now - if I start 1P on my MAC - I get following message:
Das System hat eine inkorrekte Version von 1Password mini gestartet.
Es hat anstatt '/Applications/' ' /Volumes/Backup/Applications/' gestartet.
Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie nur eine Kopie von 1Password auf Ihrem Mac haben.
So that means 1P Mini is started from the wrong path. The message informs me, that I have installed two versions of 1P. But inside Finder I can find only one version. So maybe it has started the 1P mini version from my backup drive. But I don't understand why!
Please help me. Thanks!
I've seen this too. In my case the second path was on my superduper backup volume image that happened to be connected at the time.
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Also check you don't have a copy of 1P in your Trash.
Edit: if you find and get rid of the other copy reboot your machine when you've done so.
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Hello and thank you both!
Yes I have also a backup with carbon copy cloner. But this is a full backup, I don't like do delete something there. I have started my mac again, but 1P shows me this message again. Can I change the software so 1P is not starting from the backup drive?0 -
What happens if you quit 1P5 using ⌃⌘Q then manually start the app from the copy in your applications folder? When you reboot your machine does it still try starting from the backup copy?
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Thank you - but it was not working. The only way which (I think) it is working:
I deleted 1P completely with this tutorial:
But also with this tutorial it was not possible to delete the "1Password Agent". It was still available in the Activitiymonitor. :-( (So maybe this tutorial is not completely. But it is not necessary for my case.)
Next I had to eject the external hdd. (Because MAS found a installed version - I think it was the version on the external hdd).
Next I installed 1P again from the MAS.
Now - at the moment and I hope for longer - 1P is working correct again.
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Hi @Philipp,
Thanks for letting us know how you solved that! As you noticed, the Mac App Store doesn't allow you to reinstall an app if it detects an archived version of the app on a backup drive. The solution for that (which you also discovered) is to eject the backup drive and restart the Mac App Store.
I'm glad to hear 1Password is working correctly now. Let us know if you need anything else! :smiley:
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Now my problems starts again. I have deleted my backup, so the error message is gone. But now there was no Dropbox sync available. Then I uninstalled 1P and reinstalled it again.
- Now I have no 1Password Mini available.
- Now I see the option for Dropbox sync again, but I can't activate it. I see data inside 1P, but I don't know from which folder 1P my data loads.
How can I delete the whole 1P version 5 software from my Mac. Maybe there is something wrong.
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Update: I have deleted every found "agilebits" and "1password" and "onepassword" file. there were three more old "onepassword" folders at "~/Library/Containers/". Now (I hope) my Mac has really a new installation. I have seen the beginner tutorial again and also the Dropbox sync is working.
Keep your fingers crossed! It's working right now! :smile:
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Hi Rad,
today I updated the new 1P version from MAS. Same problem again. :-(I don't like to do an uninstall for every update.
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Hi! No, I had no 1P beta version ever installed and no Yosemite version before the final version was in the MAS.
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Hi @Philipp,
Please let me know if you've tried @DTM's suggestion of doing a Spotlight search. If you're still not able to track down an extra version hiding somewhere, we'll want to see a Diagnostics Report to determine where things are getting tangled up.
I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your Mac: attach the entire file to an email to us:
Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.
A short note here once you've sent the Report in will help us to keep an eye out for it. :)
Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!
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Dear both,
thanks for your helping hand. I searched but there was no 2nd installed version available. But there is a clone made with Carbon Copy Cloner (I have written above) on the external HDD. So the mini was loaded from there.
A friend of mine has the same configuration but no problem with it. But (at the moment and I hope for longer) I could solve the issue. My friend had the idea with wrong file permissions on my internal HDD. With the "Disk Utility" software I have done the "Repair Disk Permissions" option.
Now I started my Mac two times and 1P is working again. So hopefully with the next update I will not get this problem again. :-)
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@Philipp I'm glad to hear you've managed to find the source of your troubles and thank you for sharing your findings too. Fingers crossed it's smooth sailing from here.
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Fixing file permissions on the internal HDD did not work for me. I, too, get the "incorrect version of 1Password mini" message because I use CCC to back up to my attached Drobo device and the backup version is what starts when I login and/or restart. I checked the Logon applet in the System Preferences and did not find an entry, so I suppose the logic to start the mini version is best known to the app itself.
What to do?
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I think you can do one of two things:
- (AgileBits recommended!) Exclude the 1P app file from your backup so there are not two versions on disks attached to your Mac.
- Disable Spotlight indexing of the backup disk, which has been mentioned as a work around.
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Hi @RDC I'd personally go with Stephen_C's first suggestion. It's a bug in Yosemite and we don't have a workaround beyond making sure the user is aware of this via the message you're seeing.
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There are a number of machines that target that drive using CCC and so there may be a number of copies. Then there are the time machine backups to another drive. So reconfiguring the back up plan for a number of machines is a terrible chore. But to get down to cases, you mean to tell me there is no graceful way to stop the 1Password menu bar service? How is it started in the first place? Or to be most direct, since it is not well behaved how can I stop it from ever starting in the first place?
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Okay, so I reviewed the error message. It said that the incompatible version of the mini utility was associated with a specific backup, which was in fact an archive (SafetyNet in CCC land) and not the current clone. So I moved the back up to a neutral location (e.g., a directory on my Desktop) and rebooted into the recovery utility. There I used the terminal to find and nuke the old backup and then restarted.
So now the 1Password application starts and does not whinge about a version conflict. And the collection of passwords and so forth look okay after a cursory examination. Which is good. The not so great is the mini app failed to start. Now I suppose I could live without it. But I have got this far into the problem that I sense a conclusion. The console logs show that the message 'applicationDidFinishLaunching' with regards to1Password mini (which follows the message 'applicationWillFinishLaunching'), but I do not see it in the menu bar. So what now?
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The first thing I'd try is a reboot of your Mac.
If that doesn't work, ensure neither 1Password or 1Password mini are running and drag that copy of the application to your Trash. Reboot and download a fresh copy of 1Password from wherever you purchased it.
Neither step will harm your current vault or your settings.
Now if that still doesn't work I think we'll need a diagnostic report.
I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your Mac.
Then attach the entire file to an email to us:
Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.
Once you've sent the Report a post here with the ticket ID will help us to keep an eye out for it. :)
Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!
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Okay, rebooting seemed to do the trick. The mini app loaded. I 'logged' into it then I launched the main application and, huzzah, no whinging and/or moaning about being tethered to the wrong mini application.
So the solution for me was to read the error message carefully. Track down and remove the entire backup set that contained the 'wrong' mini application. This was done by rebooting to the Mac OS X rescue environment and traversing to the target directory using the terminal tool it makes available to the user. I caught a break in that it was a redundant set maintained by Carbon Copy Cloner and not the main clone. So I lost data between dates but what was I going to do?
Next, reboot out of the rescue environment back to the host system Desktop. The mini app did not appear to load that time, but on the plus side there were no issues running and/or using the main application. Again I should note that although I did not see the mini application, there were no errors reported to the console. It may have loaded but I just did not see it.
Per your instructions which came the following day I rebooted again and the mini and main application appear to be in sync this time.
Thank you. Happy holidays.
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today I did the new 1P MAS update and I have the same troubles again. :(Can you tell me which file or folder I have to exclude from the Backup? Should it correct/enough to exclude the 1Password app from the application folder?
Thanks and best regards
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Hi @Philipp,
I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem again!
As explained previously, this problem is actually due to a strange issue in Yosemite which causes it to open the wrong copy of 1Password mini when it finds multiple copies of the 1Password app. The error message you receive should tell you the locations of both 1Password apps. One should be in your Applications folder, and it sounds like the other is on your backup directory.
To fix this, one option is to delete the 1Password app from your backup directory (even if something happens to the copy in Applications, you can always re-download it). If you want to exclude 1Password from the backup, you simply need to exclude the 1Password app which (I assume) is located in your Applications folder.
Alternately, you can try this:
- Shut down your Mac.
- Unplug or disconnect the backup drive.
- Restart your Mac and see if 1Password works or gives an error.
- If it works, reconnect the backup drive.
Let us know if you need more help with that, thanks!
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Hi @Drew_AG,
Thanks! - I deleted the backup drive completely and started again with excluding the 1Password program from the application folder. I excluded the backup drive from Spotlight indexing also.
So hopefully you have an update soon, then I can test it. :D
Best regards
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and when that update comes hopefully a report of success! :grinning: