Minor UI issue on Yosemite dark mode and appearance colors [Confirmed]

Community Member
edited October 2014 in Mac

When system appearance is set to graphite, menu bar background of 1Password mini is still blue,

while it should be gray.


  • Hi @dh78q,

    Thanks for reporting this. We're dealing with a very limited OS X API that doesn't offer any flexibility on this. We'll see if we can change the behavior of the menu icon to make it work more consistently with the system themes.

  • dh78q
    Community Member

    I guess 1Password uses a custom method to draw the menu bar icon? Because all other apps (Alfred, Dropbox etc.) follow the system theme.

    BTW There's also a localization error in current Chinese Simplified version 5.0 (500019):

    "Ver" is neither English nor Chinese. I have voted it down in Crowdin and suggested the correct one ("显示"). Hope it will be merged into the next release.

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dh78q‌,

    Thank you for reporting this issue too :+1:

    I just replaced "Ver" with "显示" in our Chinese Simplified translation.

    The fix is bound to come in an upcoming beta of 1Password for Mac.



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