Login issues
I installed Yosemite on my MacBook Pro this week. I used Carbon Copy Cloner for one of my backup methods. It clones to an attached external hard drive. When I attempt to open 1Password, I get a message " Instead of '/Applications/1Password.app/Contents/LoginItems' it started '/Volumes/Black Segate CCC/_CCC SafetyNet/2014-10-17 (October 17) 17-15-01/Applications/1Password.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems'."
Is there a way to give the application a specific address or log in path on the Mac and not for it to look at the external hard drive? The application does open but I don't want any issues if its confused as to which one to open.
Hi @Edwin_Jackson,
Thank you for taking the time to write to us and I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with 1Password.
With the recent launchd changes in Yosemite, it is strongly recommended that you have a single copy of 1Password.app on your hard drive.
To fix this issue, please make sure that you have an instance of
in your /Applications folder and remove or archive (zip) all other copies of 1Password.app from your hard drive(s) including the ones in the Trash.I hope that this will help us solve the problem.