1Password 5.0 bugs

Community Member
edited October 2014 in Mac

1Password Mac AppStore last version, Mac OS X Yosemite with all updates:

  1. Try to search any record in 1password: click on search field by mouse and start typing - text in search field doesn't appear, results in records list doesn't shown. But if I click on search field again, with 2 second lag program show my text and update list with search results
  2. After search something I try to go to Favorites, click "Favorites" in the right column, but list with records doesn't update and doesn't show me Favorite records, before I click on Favorites again (this bug was in 1password 4 too).


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @memtew,

    Thanks for reporting the problems you've been having in 1Password. I'm not able to reproduce either of those issues. Do they happen consistently, every time you try to search or go to Favorites? Do you have more specific steps that might help us to reproduce these? Also, does the problem with Favorites only happen after searching in a different category? Does the search problem have to happen in order for the Favorites problem to happen?

  • lantrix
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    For me; installed Yosemite (release) and the 1Password 5.0.1 update came along and crashed after the "relaunch". In fact it crashes at every launch of the app now.

    I've logged a support request via email.

  • memtew
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    Hi, @Drew_AG‌. I created 2 video with this bugs in demo database:

    1. First bug with search field: I click on search field and start typing, but text doesn't appear. I stop typing and click by mouse on search field, all text appear. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsS1X7-XOwk
    2. Second bug with Favorites: I trying to find something (you can see first bug again), find it, selected it on result list, then just clicking on password field, password field name, free space of record card, then I click on record in record list again, then click on favorites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q0AQjzZhTA
  • Hi @memtew‌

    Thanks for reporting these. Bug #1 is on my plate and I believe I've fixed it here.

    Bug #2 has been filed, and we hope to get it fixed in a future release.

    ref: OPM-1757

  • Hi @lantrix,

    Looks like 1Password is failing to launch there because, oddly enough, it's failing to find its own crash reporter. This was likely due to a malformed download. I recommend you delete the app from your /Applications directory and redownload from the website, since it looks like that's where you've gotten the app (as opposed to the Mac App Store).


  • lantrix
    Community Member

    @rickfillion‌ You are correct. I used Ap Zapper to get rid of it and did a fresh install from the website. All working again. (Yes got it from the website).

  • Hi @lantrix, Just replied to your other thread on the topic. Just giving a thumbs up that you reported all is well here, too!

  • memtew
    Community Member

    Updated 1Password to last version (5.0.2) - both two bugs still here.

  • Hi @memtew,

    You're now the second person who has mentioned that the search field bug (#1 in your list) isn't fixed for them in 5.0.2. I would love to have more information about how you're using it (possibly another video?) so that I can take another crack at fixing it. If you could start the process from when you first unlock the vault, that would be great.

    Bug #2 wasn't addressed in 5.0.2, so it's expected to still be present.


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