Every time 1Password submits, a cog shows up on menu bar [Normal for the MAS version of 1Password]

Community Member
edited October 2014 in Mac

The Yosemite version looks great. Only thing I’ve noticed since the update - and it’s quite annoying - is that when you log in to anywhere, an additional ‘cog’ icon flashes up temporarily in the top menu bar (as well as the normal 1password icon). This then disappears after half a second, but when it does it leaves a hole in between the other icons. This doesn’t then disappear.

Quite annoying… and I really don’t understand why another icon needs to show up there!? This happens in all browsers as far as I can tell.


  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @sambinding‌,

    I haven't noticed such a glitch with 1Password mini's menu bar icon.

    Can you please send us the steps to reproduce? A video would be very appreciated too :smiley:

    I look forward to your reply :wink:



  • sambinding
    Community Member

    Hi Rad, thanks for the reply. I simply click the icon - whether from the top menu bar or within Safari etc - and the cog icon pops up momentarily, then disappears.... like in the following video. It appears in the middle, which causes the gap to appear when it disappears.

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @sambinding‌,

    Thank you so much for replying so quickly and for sending us the video :+1:

    I just filed an internal bug in our issue tracker and we'll get it fixed soon!

    By the way, are you using the Mac App Store version of 1Password?



    ref: OPM-2503

  • sambinding
    Community Member

    Hi Rad, no problem, thats brilliant - thanks for picking this up.

    I'm using the App store version.

    Cheers again - amazing software, by the way!!

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Awesome @sambinding‌ !

    Thanks for the kind words :wink:

    It seems that this glitch is only present in the Mac App Store version.



  • sambinding
    Community Member

    ok, great. I'll wait for the next update!

  • Hi guys,

    This is normal, it's the 1Password auto-submit script you're seeing. In the MAS version of 1Password, when you submit a Login item, we have to run the script to simulate pressing the enter key. MAS doesn't allow us to do system events like this, which is why we offer a script instead.

    On Yosemite, it automatically shows that Automator cog on the menu bar every time a script, extension, service or anything to do with Automator is being performed and this is not isolated to 1Password. It only disappears when the script is done. I'm guessing Apple added this in order to let users know something is being done and when it is finished.

    We have plans to remove the need of the script in the future but until then, this is a normal reaction.

  • sambinding
    Community Member

    Ah I see, thanks Mike. Ok. Well the hole it leaves behind must be a bug in Yosemite - I've just noticed this happening with another app. This didn't happen in the last OS.

  • MikeT
    edited October 2014

    Hi @sambinding‌,

    From my experience, it is not new in Yosemite. I've seen it since Lion when you have menu bar apps that exits and it leaves behind this ghost in the menu bar. It takes several minutes for OS X to refresh or if you change something on the menu bar, it'll update it quicker.

    I'd suggest letting Apple know if you haven't yet, either via a bug report at Apple's bug reporter if you're a developer or send a feedback email here: https://www.apple.com/feedback/


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