Upgraded to Yosemite and 1Password 5, didn't find my previous data

This discussion was created from comments split from: Lost my vault after automatic upgrade!.


  • oldcabdriver
    Community Member

    My problem is similar but not identical. I upgraded to Yosemite and then to 1 Password 5. I was unable to sign in with my old password. No problem (I thought) since it asked me if I wanted to create a new password a a first-timer. I did. And I did it right. Got a little popup thingy that told me I had changed my password successfully. Not so fast . . . The new one did not work. Neither did the old one. And now there is no help available to undo whatever got done by following instructions carefully. Anybody else have to deal with this issue? As it is, 1 Password is now useless to me.

  • Hi @oldcabdriver,

    When you upgraded to 1Password 5, how did you do that? Did you let 1Password 4 update to 1Password 5 or did you download it separately and replaced 1Password 4 with it?

    To quickly figure out what's going on, can you send me your diagnostic report to support+forum@agilebits.com with a link to this thread.

    You'll get a reply back with the support ID #, please let me know what it is, and I'll look into the email.


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