Can I use 1Password to secure photos? [Photo attachments can be added to items with Mac app]

Community Member
edited October 2014 in iOS

how can I secure my photos?


  • Zartaak
    Community Member

    Can it be put on 1password so it needs password to view?

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    You can add photos as attachments to 1Password records, but only on the desktop applications. They will sync to your iOS devices, but you can't add them on iOS (yet).

    However, I doubt 1Password is a very good solution for securing large numbers of photos. There is a limit on attachment size, for example, that might make photos too large at full resolution.

    Have you searched the Apps Store for applications designed to password protect photos? I know I've see some, but I don't remember their names.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    1Password is not really designed to to be used to store a lot of photos so you really need some other app if you want to keep your photos private on your phone or iPad. (I don't know if there is such an app—but I do know that 1P is not it, sorry!)


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Zartaak‌

    I hope that @hawkmoth and @Stephen_C's suggestions here have been helpful. They're right - 1Password isn't designed as a place to store all of your photos, but you can add important images as attachments to items using the desktop app.

    Some examples of images that you might find useful are scans of your drivers' license, passport and other important documents.

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