Sync and folder issue with 1Password on Mac and 1Password on iPhone

Community Member
edited October 2014 in Mac

Hi everyone, this is my first post, I've just joined the forum, so I apologise if I have posted in the wrong section :)

I have 1Password 5 installed on my Mac and also 1Password 5.1 installed on my iPhone. I’m using Dropbox to sync, but I am wanting to use iCloud, but I have an issue with iCloud synching which I’ll describe towards the end of this post.

This is with Dropbox:

I created a couple of test entries so that I could be sure 1Password was synching them correctly between the devices. I created two test entries on 1Password application that I have installed on my Mac. The 1Password I have installed on my Mac is from the Mac Appstore.

After I have done the above, I can see these two entries on 1Password on my iPhone.

However. When I delete one of the test entries on 1Password on my Mac, this does not get updated on 1Password on my iPhone (i.e I can still see the entry that I have deleted on 1Password on my Mac). The only way that I can get it to update and remove the entry is I have to on 1Password on my Mac choose from the 1Password menu, LOCK. Then load up 1Password on my Mac again, enter my Master Password. After doing this, after a few seconds or so, 1Password on my iPhone updates and removes the test entry that was removed on my Mac.

If I delete the other test entry on 1Password on my iPhone. It gets updated correctly within a few seconds on 1Password on my Mac (i.e. I cannot see the entry as its been deleted).

Thats my first issue.

As I mentioned earlier, I’m wanting to move my synching over to iCloud.

When I change the synching method to iCloud on both my iPhone and Mac.

If I create two test entries again.

If I delete the test entry on 1Password on my iPhone, within a few seconds, 1Password on my Mac, updates and removes the same entry.

When I delete the test entry on my Mac. The iPhone does not update and remove the same entry. The only way that I can get it to update and remove the entry is I have to on 1Password on my Mac, choose from the 1Password menu, LOCK. Then load up 1Password on my Mac again, enter my Master Password. After doing this, after a few seconds or so, 1Password on my iPhone updates and removes the test entry that was removed on my Mac

But another issue I have with iCloud sync is. I have folders created in 1Password on my Mac and I have multiple entries stored in all of these folders, which I can see perfectly fine on 1Password on my Mac and on 1Password on my iPhone. However, if I create an entry in one of these folders on 1Password on my Mac, I cannot see the same entry in the same folder on 1Password on my iPhone. The entry is shown on 1Password on my iPhone but it is shown in the Categories section/list and not in the folder that it was stored/placed in on 1Password on my Mac.

If I use Dropbox as the sync method. And I create an entry in 1Password on my Mac in one of those folders. I can see the same entry in that same folder on 1Password on my iPhone.

I was wondering if anyone would be able to assist me in solving the issues I’ve mentioned please?


  • Hi @Fatboy71,

    No need to apologize, we're glad to have you here at our forum and we can move it to the right section if it was wrong but in this case, you're fine.

    The 1Password I have installed on my Mac is from the Mac Appstore.

    That's great, I wanted to mention that iCloud sync is only allowed in the Mac App Store version. So, you're already off to a great start here.

    When I delete the test entry on my Mac. The iPhone does not update and remove the same entry.

    This may actually be intentional, let me explain why, and if I'm right, you probably can see this working fine.

    1Password on mobile devices only sync in four situations to help with your battery life. If 1Password was syncing constantly, you'll see a massive drop in your battery life. So, these four situations:

    1. Unlocking 1Password will automatically start the sync
    2. If you have Background Refresh turned on for 1Password, iOS will let 1Password sync in the background every once in a while.
    3. Each time you make a change to your item inside 1Password on the iOS device, it'll do a sync
    4. You can force the sync in 1Password by going to Settings > Sync to tap on Sync Now.

    Making changes on your Mac has no impact on how 1Password sync on your iOS devices, it is not automatic like that for good reasons.

    If I'm right, try editing your items again on the Mac and then do #4, force the sync by going to Settings > Sync and tap on Sync Now. You should see the changes show up right away. If yes, then everything's working fine.

    However, if I create an entry in one of these folders on 1Password on my Mac, I cannot see the same entry in the same folder on 1Password on my iPhone.

    This is a confirmed interface glitch in the iOS app, the changes are there but the interface doesn't update to show you the updates. This has been fixed in the upcoming 1Password 5.1.1 update for iOS and we're planning to have it submitted to the App Store for the review within a week.

    For a workaround, if you create a new subfolder in that folder inside the iOS app, you'll see the app will refresh and show you the proper entries.

    I hope that helps, please let me know.

  • Fatboy71
    Community Member

    Thanks MikeT for the help, appreciate it :)

    Re: ’you can force the sync in 1Password by going to Settings > Sync to tap on Sync Now’

    I actually tried that, but the test entry remained. Also I have background refresh turned on for 1Password.

    Re: ’Unlocking 1Password will automatically start the sync’

    When 1Password locks (after 1 minute I have mine set to) and I unlock with Touch ID. The test entry remains.

    Re: ‘If I'm right, try editing your items again on the Mac and then do #4, force the sync by going to Settings > Sync and tap on Sync Now. You should see the changes show up right away. If yes, then everything's working fine’

    I tried editing the test entry on 1Password on my Mac. I had 1Password unlocked on my iPhone and could see the test entry in its list of logins. After I made the edit on the test entry on 1Password on my Mac. Within a few seconds the test entry updated the change automatically on 1Password on my iPhone, I didn’t need to do #4.

    However, if I delete the test entry on 1Password on my Mac. The test entry remains in 1Password on my iPhone until I lock 1Password on my Mac and then load it back up, enter the master password. Then after a few seconds the test entry that is shown on 1Password on my iPhone then gets removed. That seems to be the only way that I can get 1Password on my iPhone to update the change/removal of the test entry.

    Re: ‘This is a confirmed interface glitch in the iOS app, the changes are there but the interface doesn't update to show you the updates. This has been fixed in the upcoming 1Password 5.1.1 update for iOS and we're planning to have it submitted to the App Store for the review within a week.

    Thanks for that, I look forward to the update :)

    Re: ‘For a workaround, if you create a new subfolder in that folder inside the iOS app, you'll see the app will refresh and show you the proper entries’.

    I tried creating a sub folder inside the folder (on 1Password on my iPhone) and I can see the test entry I’d placed into the main folder earlier in 1Password on my Mac (and obviously too the sub folder I’d created on 1 Password on my iPhone).

    One issue I did find was. The sub folder I created inside the folder in question (1Password on my iPhone). The sub folder did not show up in the very same folder on 1Password on my Mac. Instead it showed up as a separate folder in the list of Folders in 1Password on my Mac.

    To clarify. The main folder was a folder I call Games. Inside the Games folder I created a sub folder (in 1Password on my iPhone) called test folder. Now on 1Password for my iPhone, the test folder showed up inside the Games folder as a sub folder.

    Now on 1Password for my Mac. The test folder did not show up as a sub folder inside the Games folder. Instead it was listed as a separate folder in the list of folders. I’ll attach some screenshots to try and be as clear as possible in describing this.

    This is inside the Games folder 1Password on my iPhone:

    This is 1Password on my Mac:

  • Hi @Fatboy71‌,

    I believe you may have found a bug there. It looks like when we trash an item on the Mac that we're not correctly triggering sync as expected. I have filed a bug so that we can take a look at this and try to fix it up.

    The folders issue I've not been able to reproduce here. Does it always happen to you? Sounds like it might be another bug, so any information you could provide that might help me reproduce the problem would be greatly appreciated.


    ref: OPM-2518

  • Fatboy71
    Community Member

    Hi @rickfillion‌

    Re: 'The folders issue I've not been able to reproduce here. Does it always happen to you?'

    Since I followed Mike's tip in the earlier post about placing a sub folder inside the folder on 1Password on my iPhone. The entries that I can see inside the folders on 1Password on my Mac, I can now see them on 1Password on my iPhone. Plus from what Mike said, this issue will be fixed in a forthcoming 5.1.1 update.

    Or did you mean the folders issue I showed in the very last screenshot in post #3 showing 1Password on my Mac?

    If you did, then I hadn't noticed it before, but saying that, I tend to do the bulk of my folder creating on my Mac, rather than my iPhone. So I'm unsure as to how long this issue could have been around.

    If I can be of anymore help in trying to help you with a potential bug, please let me know.

  • Hi @Fatboy71‌,

    I meant in that screenshot in post #3. I've been trying different things and so far I've been unable to create a subfolder on iOS (iPhone) that shows up as a top level folder on the Mac. Would love to get this one tracked down and fixed if there's an issue there.


  • Fatboy71
    Community Member

    I've just created a sub folder in 1Password on my iPhone and it still shows up as a top level folder on 1Password on my Mac.

    Let me know if I can do anything to help track down the cause of the issue.

    Not sure if this would be the cause. But I'm using iCloud as the sync method. With you not been able to replicate my issue @rickfillion‌ are you too using iCloud or a different sync method?

    I'll try using Dropbox temporarily and see if the top level folder issue is still present. I'll update this thread shortly.

  • Fatboy71
    Community Member

    Here’s what I have now found out with my test:

    I have now changed the sync method to Dropbox. If I create a sub folder in 1Password on my iPhone, the folder does no longer appear as a top level folder in 1Password on my Mac. Instead I have a little arrow (not sure if thats the correct name) symbol beside the folder that contains the sub folder.

    For the test, I created a sub folder inside the Games folder on 1Password on my iPhone. Has you can see in the screenshots, the Games folder has a little arrow symbol next to it and then on the second screenshot (where I have clicked on the little arrow) you can see the test sub folder I created inside the Games folder.

    The same screenshot in my post #3 was with using iCloud as the sync method. So it would seem that the sub folder bug/issue only introduces itself when iCloud is chosen as the sync method.

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    Hi @Fatboy71‌,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to go through both Dropbox and iCloud sync :+1:

    I confirm that second level folders created on iOS will iCloud sync over to Mac as first level folders. However, they sync fine when using Dropbox sync. I just tested your detailed steps to reproduce. Once again, thanks :wink: !

    I just filed another internal bug which we shall tackle really soon.

    In the meantime, if you wish you can temporarily switch to Dropbox sync.



    ref: OPM-2522

  • Fatboy71
    Community Member

    No problem @Rad‌ glad that I could help :)
    I'll stick with Dropbox as the sync method for the time been, until I see the update for 1Password, then I'll try using iCloud again and see if the issues are fixed.

  • @Fatboy71 : Excellent work! Thanks!

  • Fatboy71
    Community Member

    Just to update.

    I have changed by sync method to iCloud briefly.

    I have just installed the 5.1.1 iPhone update for 1Password and now when I create an entry in a folder on 1Password on my Mac. The same entry shows up in the very same folder on 1Password for my iPhone.

    However the sub folder inside a folder issue (where the sub folder appears as a top level folder) is still present in 1Password on my Mac. But I expect that bug would probably be with the Mac version of 1Password.

    I just thought I would post an update to say one of the issues had been fixed :)

  • Hi @Fatboy71,

    You are correct, we've only fixed it in the iOS app and an upcoming update is coming to fix the same issue in the Mac app.

    Thanks for the update!

This discussion has been closed.