Feature Request: a top-level "Resume Editing" button [Similar feature under consideration]
I have on multiple occasions opened an entry to edit some information while using 1Password to fill in data for an app or website. On more occasions than I should admit, I've become distracted and not clicked the "Save" button and eventually 1Password locks and I go about my business.
Then hours, days, or weeks later I try to login with the info I entered but didn't save and it doesn't work. I know I changed that password or username or whatever, so how come 1Password is wrong? Then I will open 1Password, see that the entry has a "Resume Editing" button, realize that it has saved but not committed my change, I will select "Save" and all is right with the world again.
So how about some sort of global reminder that I have x number of "Resume Editing" entries I need to clean up. Can this be a Smart Folder?
Thanks for the awesome app and sorry to ask for something because I'm easily distracted and, oh look! A squirrel!!!
Hi @pking36330
Thanks so much for sharing your experience here. It just so happens that we are currently considering a similar feature: adding the ability for Smart Folders to sort based on the current editing status so that you could easily find any items that hadn't been saved. I'm happy to add a vote for you to this feature in our internal tracker.
Also, you get 2 bonus points for the squirrel reference - thanks for the giggle! :)
ref: OPM-1661