Wrong CID number ob Credit card after updating info
I've renewed a few cards and updated to the new CID, however, when I use 1P in a browser to do an autofill, it still places the old CID.
Hi @diegoborgh,
That credit card item, was it created a long time ago, like it could've been in 1Password 3?
If yes, try creating a brand new Credit Card item in 1Password, enter the newer data manually, and see if 1Password will then fill in this newer item better. If it does, then you can proceed to delete the older Credit Card items.
The issue is that you may have created that older item with an older template that retains both old and newer data, which is why the extension still read the older set of data as it can't see the newer one. By creating a brand new item, the template only has one set of data and the extension will work with that.