Family version of 1Password

Community Member

I upgraded to the family version of 1Password4 last December on the Web store. It looks like I now have to pay another $35 to get the App store version for iCloud syncing and there is no way for Agilebits to give a discount to those transitioning from the Web store.

So if I go through with this additional expense, how does it work for my family (who may not all be in the same household) to use the App store version?


  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited November 2014


    The app is available in family sharing, if thats not applicable.

    The following should apply. (Sorry, I was unable to locate the actual Apple knowledge base article. Its out there just my google fu was failing and I cant find my bookmark :( )

    Are there family pack licensing options in the App Store?

    No, apps are purchased for and owned by a user linked to a single Apple ID. But if you log in with that ID on all the Macs in your household, you can download and install your apps on each one.

    From here

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    @dfz‌ Here's a link to Apple's support section on their Mac App Store. Annoyingly they like to over use the term App Store so you can spend ages trying to discover if they mean App Store on both platforms or just iOS.

    Anyway, if you set up Family Sharing you can have up to six family members sharing all purchases. The downside to Apple's solution is one person is responsible to for all payments. What I'm being told is on the other family members machines you need to view the purchaser's list but at that point you can download any software they've bought.

    Now if you need to or not depends on whether iCloud support is a deal breaker for you. Is it you have considered Dropbox but have reasons for passing on it as an option? One advantage Dropbox has is you could share a secondary vault with your spouse (as an example) of shared passwords. That way you don't need to keep independent two copies of a password up-to-date as the sync would do that for you.

    Does that help?

  • dfz
    Community Member

    That helps a bunch, guys. Thanks. I was looking to iCloud syncing because it looks to be technically superior and I currently trust Apple's security to keep things safe more than the independents. It also doesn't require any extra stuff; iCloud has a tighter level of integration and ease of use. However, I may reconsider Dropbox, which I used in the past, because of the better flexibility, i.e syncing and sharing multiple vaults.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    One caution about Family Sharing is that developers have to opt in for it to be available. AgileBits has done so, so that isn't an issue for 1Password, but be watchful for applications that are not eligible. Also, Apple did not make Family Sharing available for in-app purchases for iOS application. That applies to 1Password for iOS if you want that and want the Pro features.

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