Top Item List Layout, the positioning of top pane isn't retained after restarting 1P [Confirmed]
I'm currently running version 5.0.2 of the program on Mac OS X Yosemite version 10.10 on an iMac Retina 5K. Within 1Password I've chosen to have the Item List Layout (ILL) at the Top of the program. I've dragged the pane separator down towards the bottom of the screen so that the ILL takes up about two-thirds of the program screen. Once I exit the program and reopen it, the window layout has changed and the ILL now only takes up about one-sixth of the screen with the bottom pane filling the rest of the program screen. I'm constantly having to reside the pane separator to display what I want shown. Any ideas as to what's wrong on my end?
Hi @jdguilty,
It's not you, I can reproduce it. We did make a recent change in the code related to the top layout's drag handler and this could be a regression because of that.
I've filed a bug report for you, we'll get it fixed.
Thanks for reporting it!
Bug ID #: OPM-1979